Tuesday, April 01, 2008

《小妇人》1st part

taken frm http://yule.sohu.com/20070322/n248909424.shtml

not in ani mood to do anithg...
i decided to continue watching 《小妇人》
a set of dvd that my gan ma had lent us to watch...
n so far i m the oni one watching...
not that i m free...
but juz to relax...

but it's one long series...
there's 3 boxes... one box 4 dvds n 6 episodes in one dvd...
ok that makes almost a hundred episodes?
i noe super long...

but the show is realli angst n touching...
the four girls... starting frm the oldest...惠德、美德、贤德、仁德
a family w 4 daughters... n no son...

n the father was someone that i felt like hitting!!!
seriously! n in the show, even the characters kept asking how such a father had such daughters...
the father decided to go to loansharks to loan $ 4 the eldest sisters to study in expensive sch...
hoping that she could get into medical uni so can earn lots of $ or marry into a family w lots of $...
but the 2nd sis who is also in high sch... father din even gave her $ for sch fees...
a tutor 贤宇 is hired to gave 惠德 eng tuition...
but b4 he reached their hse, he ended up seeing 美德 almost beaten up by gangsters...
he stopped them n realized that she's his tutee's sister...

美德 was then beaten up by her father for being rude to a woman her father brought home n wanted them all to be polite to her in front of their mother...
then loansharks beat up 美德 when her father could not pay back n he had disappeared...
贤宇 comforted her both times...

but at the same time...
he saw 惠德 out alone at nite silently sobbing under a tree.... as she broke under the pressure of her father's expectations n the rest of her sisters' unhappiness w her...
well... her father bought her a nice dress while her other sis had exercise clothes to wear...
n 美德 had to work in the morning to buy clothes for the other 2 sis...
not oni that... she got to eat all the x thgs while her other sis ate cheap n little food...

soon a love triangle started...
or rather both sisters had fallen in love w the tutor but the tutor love 惠德...
n they did not noe abt the other sister...
n then father found out abt the tutor n 惠德 n was angry w her...

then loanshark wanted 美德 to work for them as a gangster to work off her father's debts since she was gd at fighting...
n it ended up that one of the hse that she trashed was 贤宇's mother's hse...then some bullies in sch n 美德 fought n she was expelled...
w all the thgs... she decided to run away frm home...

n few yrs passed...
in the meantime... 贤宇 went to army...
n 惠德 after reading her sis's letter to her b4 leaving realized that her sis lov 贤宇 n decided to be w 贤宇's best friend 俊赫 who was ignorant of their relationship...
she also failed her med uni exam... n decided to be a nutrionist instead...
w a part time job, n endless study...美德 entered the law uni ...
it was veri touching abt the way she fought against all odds...

n a lot of thgs happened w 惠德 n 俊赫 being a couple... but 惠德 actually love oni 贤宇...
a realli messy relationship...

but the touching part i like is the part where 美德 finally returned home...
b4 that, she called home once...
n her father actually apologised to her for treatring her unfairly all the yrs...
n her mother running across the streets screaming her name when someone said she saw her daughter...
then the 2 younger sisters sitting before the steps waiting for her...
n the eldest sister sitting n staring at her thgs...
most imptly, she herself was standing in an alley , looking at her family with tears flowing but not daring to let them see her or return home...

a lot of thgs happened... after she return... her father turned 180 when he heard that she is studying law... much better than her eldest sis...
n then turned again when he realized that her eldest daughter is w a rich man... 俊赫
feel like killing him...
n he was still borrowing $ frm loansharks...
n was captured n then 美德 tried to save him n was captured as well...
at teh same time 俊赫 realized his best friend 贤宇 n 惠德 love each other n was shocked...
as 俊赫 n 惠德 was abt to get married though his mother dun approved of 惠德... n her father...
since she noe that she dun love her son...
n then there were scenes where his mother threw $ in her face... realli hitting her w the $ n asking her to leave her son...

finally 俊赫 saved 美德 n her father w $...
n he n 惠德 was then getting married...
美德 helped 贤宇 n 惠德 to elope...
but then she got into a fight n was arrested for murder...when she did not kill the man...

here's where i stopped...
n it was one big angst show... but touching to say the least....
will recommand ppl who likes to have a gd cry to watch but it's draggy...


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