Monday, August 06, 2007


okay... i m tagged... twice!
by xinying n xiujuan...

Please read the rules first:Each player of the game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves.People who get tagged needs to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly.In the end, you'll need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their name

umm... wad to say? i tink i m veri weird? :p

1. okay... unlike most ppl, i prefer to spend my free time in a library than go shopping... seriously... i hate walking ard n looking at thgs... i tend to yawn n got bored veri easily... i guess...

2. I enjoy reading stories... esp angst stories... they are good stress relievers! seriously!

3. I hate running but i like to play all ball games except for soccer... though all tis games involved running after the ball but i tink it is not that tiring as compared to running in only 1 direction...

4. I loved crispy deepfried food even though they are not good for my health... but they are good! esp fried prawns...

5. I hate fruits... except for apple, honeydrew n watermelon... yes i m miss unheathly...

6. finally... i switch off my handphone after 9pm... sorrie... but habit... dun like my hp ringing at nite... scary leh... n noisy...

that's all... well... who to tag...
ppl i noe w blog n not tagged... but i dunno if u are reading...
mayb eleanor n chio hui?
ok... ani1 who read tis post, YOU ARE TAGGED!!!

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