Saturday, August 25, 2007

tired days...

ok... super long since i update...
haiz... a veri veri long week!
tis week sch reopens n my sis's exam...
meaning... i have tuition on sun, mon n tue...
coming home then tech my sis...
so tired... but then my parents helped mi out a lot...

sch... 2nd wk le... but still tired...
but then gd thg is ... i din sleep at all at lect so far!
weird... but i tink it had to do w the sweets? or food?
since most of the lessons are at lunchtime meaning 12pm to 2pm...
so far my timetable is veri bad!
n tutorial havent start yet...
well... start nxt wk...
but i have almost all my tutorials by myself...
yes... even understanding the universe...
muz learn to be independent!
i tink i take alone better than packed lessons...
haiz... every tue... means rushing ard wout lunch...
n i always forget my breakfast...
10-12pm at arts then 12-2pm at sci then 2-4 at arts...

aniway... w exams over it's better...
n my tuition at yishun is reduced to once a week...
so oni on thurs nite... but then my pay also low...
then nid to save a lot... since i still nid to buy concession every mth...
$97 a mth... so muz save $!!!

tink i spent too much these few mths...
so most likely not gg aniplace other than sch n lib...
i bought a pair of shoes yesterday... sth like trackshoes... at $5.90...
haiz... dunno why i kept buying shoes...
so scary... i got too many shoes le...
1st... 2pairs of lady sandals for $8 at sunplaza...
then a pair of fishbone slippers for $5.90 at amk...
then another pair of lady slippers for $6.90 at jurong east...
n finally a pair of shoes at $5.90 at jurong east yesterday...
within three mths i bought all these shoes along w a new bag n jacket...
realli spent a lot...
but then xinying says... all these are long overdue le...
yeah... my bag and shoes spoiled for a long time...
but i tink i m not gg to buy anithg else till at least october...
muz not spent too much $ muz save!!!

ok... i tink i m rambling on n on...
so i tink i will go back to my typing of stories...
i got at least 3 stories n 1 article on hiatus...
i will type more abt my lects nxt time...
n yes, i tink tis sem lect are all veri different frm the previous sem...
well... till then ja mata! ^_^

Thursday, August 16, 2007

sat outing...

ok... super late post...
last sat 11 aug!!!
zhui xing leo's bday trip...
went to buy movie tickets...

wenya... pls look at my earrings...

went to long john silver...
to giv the 2 leo their presents n cards...
n take lots of photos... but i oni selected a few here...
there is simply too many...
the cards...

xinying's... inside...
wenya's inside...

a candid photo... still got a lot more but tis looks ok...

the present... including wenya's hairband...

ok... i m learning the art of using timer...
i manage to get 2 photos w all 4 of us... w help frm the wall at long john...
the movie secret... veri touching...

quencing at swensons for a long long time...
but that means... photo taking time!....
haha... >_<>
xinying says the bkgd is like a neoprint shop....
our food!!!
1st xinying's crayfish pasta... veri x...
wenya's icecream wafer.... veri filling... wenya can't finish... xianhao helped her...
my fish baked rice... veri delicious!
fish n chips... wow... looks so nice!
but took a long time b4 it is delievered to xianhao...
he had to look at us enjoying our food...
xinying's dessert... mango sundae... umm... looks so yummy!
finally all gone....
some photos at swensens...
ok... dunno wad they laughing...
sing your way home... i m take pics on your way home...
ok... i m learning how to take pics myself wout someone's help...
but so far... most of them have our faces cut off a bit...
hmmm... shd learn frm xiujuan....
aniway some better shots...
mi n wenya...
mi n xinying...

Thursday, August 09, 2007

happy bdae singapore!!!

it is 9th August!
juz wanting to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!
reflecting on wad we have learned in history lesson...
sometimes... i have to think that....
Singapore has gone a long way!
frm a small poor country, we have advanced to a modern city!
jia you Singapore!
happy birthday!
may Singapore prosper 4ever n ever!

Monday, August 06, 2007


okay... i m tagged... twice!
by xinying n xiujuan...

Please read the rules first:Each player of the game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves.People who get tagged needs to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly.In the end, you'll need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their name

umm... wad to say? i tink i m veri weird? :p

1. okay... unlike most ppl, i prefer to spend my free time in a library than go shopping... seriously... i hate walking ard n looking at thgs... i tend to yawn n got bored veri easily... i guess...

2. I enjoy reading stories... esp angst stories... they are good stress relievers! seriously!

3. I hate running but i like to play all ball games except for soccer... though all tis games involved running after the ball but i tink it is not that tiring as compared to running in only 1 direction...

4. I loved crispy deepfried food even though they are not good for my health... but they are good! esp fried prawns...

5. I hate fruits... except for apple, honeydrew n watermelon... yes i m miss unheathly...

6. finally... i switch off my handphone after 9pm... sorrie... but habit... dun like my hp ringing at nite... scary leh... n noisy...

that's all... well... who to tag...
ppl i noe w blog n not tagged... but i dunno if u are reading...
mayb eleanor n chio hui?
ok... ani1 who read tis post, YOU ARE TAGGED!!!

thoughts rampant...

lately, i have lots n lots of thoughts running through my mind...
i dun realli understand actually....
i dun even noe what sparks all these thoughts...
but i realli nid to thanks al of you who give mi encouragement!
realli thanks... n xinying thxs for going out with mi!
so far... i tink i always buy sth when we go shopping...
the list so far... a bag at $10 at marina square... a jacket at $20 at amk hub n a pair of shoes at $6.90 at jurong east... i spent a lot of $ tis holidays...
i also bought 2 pair of shoes at $4 each...

i realli dunno why...
but i felt a bit depressed yesterday n today...
luckily tuition was cancelled for tonight.. changed to wed...
n the tuition at yishun was cancelled this whole week due to national day...
so shd be a more relaxing week...

aniway...i was lookig thru the blogs...
n i tink i m a realli bad friend...
i dunno... mayb i did make a veri good choice when i decided not to be a social worker...
i tink i simply dunno how to help ppl...
realli... it's not the first time that i encountered ppl w family probs...
well actually i tink i did encountered more than a few times?
i dunno...
everitime when sth happenes... i dunno wad to do or wad to say...

i rmb in sec 1 or 2...
i cant rmb all the details animore...
my friend showed up in the middle of the class in a long jacket when it was so hot outside...
then she showed all the bruises or cane marks all over her body...
it was scary... her mum hit her because of her brother...
then a lot of teachers n principal went to her house...
and after that... i lost contact with her... she got retain i tink...

i tink every family has their own probs... but then i was helpless then... unable to help...

years later...
juz now... i read her blog...
not the girl mentioned perviously...
but someone else...
i tink she will noe who i m refering to...
i tink most of you will noe...
but juz in case... i won't mention her name...
n it was the same... i dunno wad to do...
well... i dun even dare to contact her...
i dunno how our friendship had come to this stage...
somehow... we avioded each other...
i dunno how to talk to her... much less how to help her...
sometimes i realli hate myself...
wad's worse... i tink that i can oni type out my feelings...
i dun even dare to say them out...
it's so hard to say out your own feelings sometimes...
well most of the times... i dun even noe wad i m feeling...
i duneven noe if she read my blog or not...
but at least i get tis out of my system...
but realli...
i hope she will be better...
i dun noe wad happened but i hope i can help...
but then again wad can i do...
i juz hope she knows that i still want to be her friend...
n dun give up... jia you...
maybe i m realli a coward... a super bad friend...
but i still hope to be ur friend...

i dun have a lot of realli close friends...
but once before... you have been one of my friends...
i hope you can still be my friend...
i dunno why or how our friendship turns out to be like that...
but i realli hope you will not give up...
n most imptly, a lot of us still cares abt u...
even if we are too scared to contact u...

n sch's starting ppl...
take care everyone who have taken the time to read my blog!
realli take care n jia you everi1....