Wednesday, July 11, 2007

when it was lost...

when it was lost...
then we will know it's worth...

why can't ppl treasure things until they lost it?
and why must good things end abruptly?
why must ppl hide their feelings till it was too late?

treasure what you have before you lost it...
they are just simple words...
yet they are so true...
so meaningful...
so difficult to achieve...

why must ppl endure hardships before they can be happy?
why must ppl know what's bad b4 they know they are good?
why must ppl compare in order to noe who's better?

does it matter if you are a bit better than him?
does it matter if you are a bit sadder than her?
does it matter if you are a bit lonelier than them?
does it? guess it doesn't...
because even if you do...
things do not change...

treasure the present and forget the past...
don't compare with others...
don't mind about the others...
don't bother to let them tell you if you are right or wrong...

just do what you believe is right and let nothing sway you...
because ultimately...
it is your life...

however... if you know that somehow you are wrong...
dont hesisate to change...
no one can tell you what to do best for yourself ...
no one can stop you frm changing...

juz treasure the present and hope for the future...
hoping is not wrong...

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