Thursday, July 19, 2007

fantasy VS reality...

ok... it's the view of my hse but i shifted a bit... nid to improve my photography skills :p

reality n fantasy...

these days... i m always at my com...
reading fan fics or typing something... be it stories or practics i printed out for my tution...
offline... i have comics or storybks to read...
n currently... i m brushing up my writing skills... thru guidebks on how to write fantasy stories...
i borrowed these bks frm the lib...

i tink all these lead mi to have a case of disability to distinguish fantasy frm reality...
i kept having dreams or nightmares at nite...
sometimes... i m so absorbed in the stories that i can read for the whole day without stopping...
guess i m wasting electricity.... n time as well...

yet.... fantasy are so much better than reality sometime...
though the characters do have problems...
there will always be a happy ending... unless they are death fics.. which i avioded...
mayb i m escaping frm reality? i dunno...
but most of the stories do touch on probs like love, friendship, family probs...
thay are real in a way...
some are written by writers' own experience... n they are realli touching...
they had gd endings that not all in reality do...
some wrote to honor your loved ones... as a shown of graditude...
others wrote as a form of outlet for their feelings...

fantasy VS reality...

fantasy is always so much better n reality is cruel...
but then again...
one lives in reality...
we cannot always escape to fantasy...
that is escaping...
a coward's way to live...
face up the challenge...
however, most of the time... the truth hurts...
the truth will leave a scar that only time can heal...
sometimes... even time is useless...
but one still have to do it... even though it hurts...

hope for the fantasy but live in reality...
sounds simple? but why it is so hard to achieve?

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