Wednesday, September 13, 2006


why do ppl have to act so strong when they are not?
why do ppl always hide tears when they are crying?
why do ppl always think that they cant b weak?

is it because the world is a place where the strong lives and the weak dies?
is it because ppl wan to show others that they are strong?
is it because ppl always deny their weaknesses?
is it?

if so,
then how do ppl progress if they cant see they are weak?
how do they overcome their weaknesses?
how do they get over their sadness?

a person cries
a person hides
a person rather not let anyone know
cause it is shame they are feeling now

but is it true?
why does it hurts so much when others dun understand what u are feeling?
and that was because of that person dun want others to know?
yet, it hurts the most when another person realize how much his or her closest friend is hurting so much yet trying to hide the pain...

sorrie i got very sad when i read one of the fan fic when one of the characters tried so much to hide his pain... he nearly died but he refused to show his weakness...

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