Saturday, September 30, 2006


ok since xianhao suggested that i put the zhui xing story at zhui xing blog
so anyone who is interested in the starcaptors story please refer to the zhui xing blog for further updates ok?

ani way i am still working on episode 2 and term papers are going to be due soon!!!
somebody help!!! i dunno how to write!!!!

saw a very nice windbreaker w wenya on fri ... but cant buy cause hse too many jackets alr
actually was going to meet peikiat on fri
pei kiat! miss u! long time nvr c u!!!
but need to discuss political sci so haiz....

aniway... i m still very shocked that there is actually someone who likes to eat icecream right after a heavy breakfast in the middle of an air-conditional place?
that person's name is wenya....

i also long time nvr see felicia! how are u squirrel! miz u!
my hp no $ so quite long nvr msg u...
muz keep in touch ok?

so since tis is an entry i might as well share sth
well, mi n yiwen went to breakthrough mission on mon for our social work social visits...
well, a funny thing is that it is a christian halfway hse but oni two out of the eleven who went are christians...
however, as a social worker, you are supposed to accept everyone's religions and things so i wasn't quite bothered just mayb a bit scared to ask qns cause i m not veri familiar w their things and stuff...

aniway it was quite interesting as we learnt how they helped the drug addicts and things. the counsellors there are all ex-drug addicts and are able to help the others.
well, it was quite informative though i dread the term paper i m supposed to write about...

haiz... still need to do chinese essay.... need to type chinese n then need footnote.... n need watch wo hu cang long.... not that i m complaining abt the choice of movie....'
even though i still havent watch the movie recently... i have read the story a few times...
i like yu jiao long ok? n i watch the movie few yrs ago as well....
i actually threw away the vcd... now need to find... haiz....

so many things to do.... my sis promo nxt week... though i din help her... :p
n little sis on the 11th oct... coming soon....
things in a messs n com breaking down...
opps... i m not supposed to say that... touch wood...
aniway, life's tiring....
i m dying... now having massive headache due to that time of the mth lah...
one word in my life now is "haiz..."
sorrie to bore everyone w my daily life....

angry!!!! .\ /.

my com spoiled!!!!
then my new chapter of the story got stuck there!!!!
e com wont start!!!!
how!!!!! panicked!!!!!!!!!!!!
now i have trouble with e printer as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some body save mi!!!!!!!!
i watched smallville last nite...
aniway! e stupid com!!!!!!!!!!
ok, cannot scold it....
aniway!!!!!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!!
i lost e whole chap!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

song of hope

i have been reading fan fics since i cant write anything
i decided to read all the touching stories...
i just read dyna dee's fan fics "the call"
and it makes me cry again and again...
no matter how many time i read it....
the loss of a small boy due to heart disease....
i was reminded of this song...
i dunno who sang or composed or write the lyrics
but it was very very nice....
a small disclaimer... tis is not mine....

a song of hope

leaving the past behind
fall into the future in time
sometimes we don't know why the things we do
as i look into your eyes
i can see the clear blue sky
all i ever needed is to be with you

come sing a song of hope
come share this time with me
beautiful memories will linger on and on
no spoken words can stay
no photographs won't fade
only this song of hope will still remain

look at the deep blue sea
see a reflection of me
what lies ahead of me
no one can see
my life, my hope, my dream
my thoughts are my everything
they wouldn't sustain
if you are not with me

that's all.... i m feeling so sad now... T_T
well i will try my hardest to write the story hopefully...
oh by the way i tink i will stick all their names back to the oringal ones since they are so many complaints
but mayb not treasure... i tink tress shd do it....

Sunday, September 17, 2006

when they meet part 1

hi! i got fed up, studying history so i decided to post the first chap after all....
well the characters' names i changed amost all of them cause they sounded quite well... lame....
aniway, the legend from the other post is still the same and continued with this chapter.
and i need to say *hey i finally got to say tis* ths characters portrayed are all out of imagination and pls dun sue mi if you say i m writing ur life.... i hav no $ aniway....
however, this is my story and dun steal it!!!!

well this story is going to be an arc....
for now this is the first part of the arc.....
well let's go on....
hope u will enjoy tis story....

****************when they meet part one************

*******in the dark**********

“It’s time, Dusk,” a soft voice said, “It’s time for your journey to start.”

“Yes, Elder,” Dusk’s younger voice replied respectfully.

“Do you know what you are supposed to do?” Elder asked.

“Of course,” Dusk answered then she muttered softly, “you have been nagging all the time. How can I even forget?”

“What did you say, Dusk?” Elder demanded.

“Nothing except that you have explained what I am supposed to do in such a way that I will never forget,” Dusk said with a smile that seemed just too fake on her face.

“Then get going,” Elder snapped, “I will communicate with you with Remy if the need arises.”

“Of course, Elder, I am going,” Dusk said respectfully but muttered, “I am dying to get out of your old lady’s nagging.”

“I heard that, Dusk!” Elder screamed as the pressure in the air changed, “how dare you call me an old lady!”

“Shit! Remy! Let’s get out of here!” with that Dusk ran out of the exit with her faithful squirrel, Remy behind her. Just before a loud explosion occurred.

***********in the forest***********

“Tress! I can’t walk anymore! Let’s stop!” princess Sara screamed at her friend walking in front of her.

“We just stopped earlier! Just walk faster and get over it earlier!” treasure ignored her friend’s whims and continued on.

“Well, you are a ninja and are used to walking but I am a princess! I don’t need to walk so much before!” Sara complained.

Tress slowed down and signed, “Don’t ask me to pity you. You asked for it when you made me bring you to the forest. And I say again, it was your idea to get out of the palace. You threatened me to get you out. So it is not my fault. Though I still don’t understand how I let you talk mi into that. I am a ninja. I am supposed to be one of the palace’s protectors. How did I end up here?”

“Well, because you know me? I am sorry, Tress. Don’t be angry, please?” Sara said sadly as her eyes suddenly lit up, “I treat you to chocolate? I know I have a bar somewhere in my pouch.”

“Really?” Tress asked happily before she put on a mock glare, “hey! I am supposed to be angry with you!”

“Well, let’s forget all that and focused on this journey,” Sara changed the subject abruptly as she scanned around the forest, “do you think there really are monsters here?”

“I don’t know but we will have to continue to walk to find out, now shall we? If your highness can even walk?” Tress asked with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

“Hey! I have you know that I, Princess Sara, can handle anything in the world even if a monster suddenly appeared in front of me,” Sara said haughtily with her nose in the air as she waved her fan.

Tress snorted as she asked, “oh really, then why make me come along on this trip, your highness?”

“Hey, I am a sorcerer. I can control the wind. I ask you for company not protection. In fact I will protect you if a monster suddenly,” Sara’s sentence turned into a scream as something fell onto her, causing her to fall to the ground.

“Sara!” Tress screamed as she dashed to help the fallen princess, “are you alright?”

However, as she made out what happened, she could not stop laughing at the strangeness of this situation. It was so funny. It seemed that someone had fallen out of the tree right onto the princess.

“Well, I have heard of angels falling out of the sky but not people,” she commented as she stood laughing at the rapidly becoming red faces.

“Hey! Some help here!” Sara yelled at the laughing girl.

“Okay, Sara. But you have to admit that it is funny. After all, you are lucky that she is a girl,” Tress said as she helped the girl to get up, “hi. Are you alright?”

“I am okay,” the girl replied, embarrassed, “sorry for nearly killing you.”

“It’s okay. She does not get killed that easily,” Tress answered for Sara.

“Well, I hope so cause I am sure I am not that light. Oh, I am Mei.” The girl introduced herself as Tress helped Sara up.

“I am Tress and that is Sara. We are just walking around the forest,” Tress answered.

“Well, I am a performer. I was practicing for my new moves and I took a short nap on the tree. Guess this is the first and last time I tried that,” Mei joked good-naturedly.

Soon the three of them were laughing and joking. Mei offered the two of them a place to stay temporarily.

Unknown to them, someone was watching them as they made their way to the camp of Mei and her troupe.

“Do you think they are the one, Remy? If they are, we will need to take action and find the last one,” the elf whispered quietly as she followed the trio. Somehow, she had the feeling that it was going to be a tough journey.

so how was it? dun kill mi yet! i hope i din write anithg too bad..... review!!!! leave a tag!!!
thanks a lot! >_<
n i wan go kbox!!!!
n history is bad..... i dun understand wad is the difference btw imperialism n colonism e forum makes mi more confused.... i actually tok they re e same.... haiz........

Friday, September 15, 2006

one sentence

hey so sorrie felicia... i know i say that i will post chap one on sat but dun tink i got time to do so...

it's quite tiring today...
i got a tut at 8.30am supposedly 8 but e tutor pushed it till 8.30
then i wait half an hr for our dear lady wenya
i msg her a few times but she forgot to bring her hp out... -_-

then i have hist tut then a lect.... n it's raining so heavily and i actually sit in the rain literally... w wenya... actually we were sitting opp central lib at one of the benches n e rain was hitting on both of us n... my laptop... we din realize tt till we got wet... -_-
when i went home.. it's actually drizzling...
i tink i coming down w flu or sth....
n my stomach realli hurts n i dunno why i din wan to go toilet n it is not stomach cramps but it hurts a lot........ die lah............ i tink i m typing very slow now..... but i will finish tis post.......

aniway... i tink i m changing almost all e characters' names....
i m working on e plot....
i promised to try to type asap.....
but got a test on tue...
mayb i type in btw revision? i dun tink i m studying 4 it aniway....

so let's wait for chapter one?
n on a side note...
when is it ever my turn?!
xinying xinying where re u? *look ard*
Die! dun tell mi monster wenya actually eat u!!!!!
ok my leg is injured sorrie.... :p

actually i want to write a short... i dunno wad it is called today....
inspired by p.sala.....
she told mi not to talk to her 2day T_T
i m so sad.... *my heart is breaking*
look it is in pieces!!!! i need to pick them up
so giv mi a min....
ok i glued them back alr.....

sorrie i m juz kidding.....
wenya! i m not angry w u! realli! i m juz kidding!!!!!!!
hope u re not mad....
i apologise sincerely............

aniway here goes...............

it's funny
how a simple sentence can make a person cry.....
can make a person sad.....
yet one sentence can make a person smile or laughed.....
one sentence........

sometimes one sentence can make u smile yet cry at the same time......
i rmb clearly one instance when my friend i forgot who says tis realli hurting sentence to mi......
actually it might not b hurting to others but.......
mayb i m oversensitive?
she says....
"thanks for being my best spare tyre"
well wad do u tink?

it's funny, dun u tink?
one sentence.......
"thanks for being a great listener?"
"thanks for being a friend!"
all these bring a smile to a person

yet one sentence ..........
"go away!"
"keep quiet!"
"you are not fit to be my friend!"
"dun walk the same way as that person!"
"dun go near that person!"
all these can bring tears to one's eyes esp spoken by someone who was once ur closest friend...

one sentence.........
few words..........
dun u juz admire the wonder of speech?
one sentence can make a hole in your heart........
or bring tears to your eyes........
yet, it can also bring warmth to your heart.......
or make u smile for the rest of your day.........
one sentence..........

sorrie i m juz so ...... i also dunno wad i m feeling......
but juz get tis done.........
wad do u tink?

i juz finished watching charmed juz now.......
it's so sad......... whitney*is that how i spell his name if not i mean Piper n Leo's older son* miz Leo so much that he turned his toys into humans to help him find his Dad....
his dad promised to stay by his side forever n e 3yearold boy wants his Dad........
yet, Leo is frozen and Whitney juz wants his Dad to keep his promise n he is sure that his dad will keep that promise to stay w him no matter wad....
he is upset but dunno how to say.......
i feel so sad......T_T......
well off for today..........
let's hope tt tmr is better......

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


why do ppl have to act so strong when they are not?
why do ppl always hide tears when they are crying?
why do ppl always think that they cant b weak?

is it because the world is a place where the strong lives and the weak dies?
is it because ppl wan to show others that they are strong?
is it because ppl always deny their weaknesses?
is it?

if so,
then how do ppl progress if they cant see they are weak?
how do they overcome their weaknesses?
how do they get over their sadness?

a person cries
a person hides
a person rather not let anyone know
cause it is shame they are feeling now

but is it true?
why does it hurts so much when others dun understand what u are feeling?
and that was because of that person dun want others to know?
yet, it hurts the most when another person realize how much his or her closest friend is hurting so much yet trying to hide the pain...

sorrie i got very sad when i read one of the fan fic when one of the characters tried so much to hide his pain... he nearly died but he refused to show his weakness...

Monday, September 11, 2006

zhui xing 1

Hey i have edited this post due to well, u noe who...

hello! how do u tink of my new blogskin?
i love bleach! aniway sch's quite tiring n i dun hav much time to update...
i decided to write a new long story!!!
but b4 i continue juz updating my life so far...

haiz is a word i use quite frequently nowadays...
i dunno if i shd major in chinese or social work?
ani ideas? i m so lost...
i am trying to finish all my readings but i cant even make myself start reading....
life is... haiz....

aniway... i decide to write a story called "starcaptors"
it is actually sth i havee an idea on in christmas...
so think i will continue it
it means that i can do anithg i like... even if it is illogical!!!!
so let's start with e biodata n e prologue for 2day...
not sure when will update but i will!

so now characters...

let's start....

character 1:

宫本宝藏 treasure
female; pisces; water; bicolour quartz
dominant word: i believe...
use a samurai sword and control water...

character 2:

乌米 wumi
male; taurus; earth; amazonite
dominant word: i have...
uses bow and arrows and have incredible strength

character 3:

莎拉公主 p.sala
female; leo; wind; fire; opal
dominant word: i will...
uses a wand*she requested that i changed it :p* and control wind

character 4:

孙小美 xiaomei
female; leo; fire; labradorite
dominant word: i will...
uses a red spear and control fire.

that's all for now abt the characters...

so now prologue....

The legend

It is passed on for more than thousands of years within the country "stars". One day, the country will face threats from demons of another dimension. No one knows when but they just know it will happen. Then four warriors with special abilities and different control of elements will meet with the help of an elf. they will then find the legendary gem "zhuixing". The gem will then be used with the combine strength of the four and save the country...

ok, that's all for now... sounds stupid like rpg? i tink so too :p
well, then again... i will continue it....