Thursday, April 30, 2009

quick update?


so sorry for not updating for so super long :p

yup!!! finished my last paper yesterday evening... muz say teh lecturers are so nice put a rocher on every1's desk... oni for our module.. lol but qns so difficult!!!

aniway more updates later...

i got lots of lagging posts...

but will be updating soon i hope more likely b4 i "fly" :p
got my bday presents pics!!! that's my best week...
got the grad dinner pics yes the week as my bday! haha

then there's more pics abt teh term papers n exams period
n the trip to the monkey cafe w yiwen!
n all happy news n my preparation for the trip...

even got a jab 2day... my $... more imptly, din got ani jab since... i tink in sec 1 or 2?

but after that i still got medical checkup to do after i m back...
starting on a new tuition tmr... confirming n paying for my trip tmr...

so many thgs... n later got tuition as well...
yes... exams over but life's still busy... still got to assume duty n graduation...

but that's my happy life haha... can do all the happy thgs!!!
well... i decided that i dun like studying but i like teaching but prob is u nid to study in order to teach... haiz...

aniway... tuition later so a quick update...
reason that i still havent been updating is that i m figuring out livejournal n found a perfect template!

for the journal, all my stories are gg to be there... fan fics plus my own stories... both eng n chi(?) not sure if can put it there...

as for the link... well... not sure if i shd put it here... cause i got fanfics there... mayb place it here n delete them soon... cause some fanfics might contain hinted yaoi (if u dunno wad it means then u dun want to read it haha :p)
hinted because i dun realli write love stories more friendship n family ba...

ok... the link is... drumrolls haha i crazy de...
i even got a new image chef icon for my username cause pdfish n iynix are both taken... y?!!!!
ok... gotta le....

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