Saturday, April 04, 2009

a quick update- dying

well i will be rich if all my castles become real......

a lot of thgs to blog but since i M SUPPOSED to be working on my term papers...
plus the fact that sijia says not to blog first abt the impt thg in may... but think everi1 noe alr... :p
so juz a quick update... on y i m on hiatus...


nxt week got a presentation.... on films n the paper is due on wk 13... i havent started yet!!!! help!

on nxt nxt wk - wk 13-- i GOT 4 PAPERS AND I HAVENT STARTED YET!!!


2 on 13th april...
1 on spore films (eng - 1500 wrds- grp project)and the other is modern lit n i m doing abt deaths of maids in the 2 stories...(ch-5000wrds)

2 on 17th april...
1 on the film presenation nxt week(ch-5000wrds) n the other is watch 3 xiangsheng n transcript into words and analsyed the sentence structures (ch- 5000wrds)

N I HAVENT STARTED YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

N in exams coming!!!!! i havent revise at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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