Friday, February 27, 2009

news- octuplets' mother

ok... i decided to start taking note about news...

this is something i heard earlier on the radio quite sometime ago...
n juz saw a short clip on tv the other day abt an interview...
n saw one on you-tube... so sharing it here...

it is a controversial issue...
i still dun realli understand how the mother is gg to support the children...
being a mother is a huge n serious responsibilty....

i was signing out of hotmail n saw this...

Porn war breaks out over octuplets' mother

article here...

a porn company had offered $ n a year of health insurance for the mother if she stars in a porn movie...
but a rival company wanted her to reject...n in return gave her a year supply of diapers for the octuplets...
n also telling her to think of her children...

i think responisibilty us a key issue here...
$ and the image of their mother are both impt thgs...

i really dun understand why teh mother insisted on having children after having 6 children n esp when she's unsupported...?

but then this is juz my opinion...
this is sth not for mi to judge... there might be more reasons for her actions... at least i hope so...

i also saw a news sometime ago at juan's blog...
abt the 13 yr old father...
he looks like 8 but he's a father...

wad re the responisiblty of having a child?
having children are not simple at all...
can you be a father or mother to your child as your parents have been?
can you have the faith in ability in supporting your child? both $ n emotionally?
i tink this is impt...

i was reading saiunkoku n there was this part abt adopting a child...
well basically Reishin adopted Kouyuu when Shouka(his older brother) adopted Seiran... that's teh reason he gave Kouyuu but we all hope it was not...

Yuri asked Reishin when he brought Kouyuu home if he is able to be someone as Shouka had been to him? a child looks up to his parents. his parents will be his whole world at least until he grows up... to Kouyuu, Reishin had become his entire world... whatever he did, it was just to help his Reishin-sama since Reishin-sama took him off the streets and gave him a lot of thgs... this leads to the whole story of bk 13... where he had to learn to live for himself...

parents are everything to a young child...
n frm lots of books like fruit basket, kara kanojou no jibou, child of our time, supper nanny n many more...
even in fan fics... n i have to say i saw a lot more stories abt how parents can change the lives of children....
reminds mi of childhood n youth module last sem... lol
sometimes little thgs that a parent did influence a lot on children...

n well... i had been hearing a lot of such news lately...
n i realli think family relations are something that is always mysterious yet warm... it is soemthing that you can't changed n something worth cherishing no matter how much you argue or quarrel now...
n i strongly hope that everyone can treasure these relations cause they are not something of little importance. they are not something you can break easily... but something that can be damaged far too easily...

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