Friday, February 27, 2009

national museum of S'pore

a visit to national museum of Singapore!

disclaimer: all the pics below are taken at national museum of Singapore by me and are put here only for personal use. i strongly recommend everyone to visit the museum. the place is great! so interesting! the website is

i realli love the place! we visited the living galleries and the history gallery yesterday.

on thur... yesterday, soba, kel n i went to national museum...
we nid to do a response paper to be handed in on 13th mar on one of the living galleries...
since my grp is doing a project on Singapore films...
we decided to do the paper on films...
i took lots of pics... but mostly on the words... well... i lazy to copy :p

all the pics taken below are without flash... since flashes are not allowed... Kelly said because it might damage the artefacts...

so first is the film and wayang section...
the filmmaker n a gramophone! looked so old...

and photos of the stars at that time... like our modern day photo-cards?
n trays of the stars for advertisment! creative rite?

then my fav wayang section.. haha tink it's most interesting as i rmbed the chinese drama module last sem... n the clothes... each costumes is specific to each character type, sheng, dan, jing n chou...

n i loved the headdress... i tink they were the most well-made...
as time changed the material used also changed i tink the left is the 1940s n the rite ones are 1960s? not realli sure now... but they are beautiful!
ok... dificult to recognize... this is a handcuff... used during the show by the dan... the ones used by dan always have a peony or phoenix on it... interesting rite?
a puppet show...
left is sun wu kong...
hey dragonball evolutn gg to show... feel like watching... i noe no link... juz tok of goku :p
rite is the puppets and below are juz a closeup...
n tis is sth i tink i heard abt in chinese drama lesson b4... a contract of the actress with the company... called mai shen qi i tink...

next is the fashion gallery...

some clothes worn then n makeup used at that time...
took tis pic cause i tink xinying will love this bag... mayb i'm wrong...
a bag made frm bamboo? unique rite?
n these are egs of what they worn then though i tink the black cheongsam is beautiful...
western frocks any1? n nice handicraft... there's a video there on how they made the whole thg frm scratch n then the embroidery... realli nice esp they made it w sewing machine...
n a high platform shoes of the old... taken 4 wenya :p dare to wear one like that?
n the real nice kebaya?...
the room of textiles... of different kinds... real beautiful...

the evolutn of sewing machine... rmb myself using one like that using your hands n legs to move it instead of electricity...
i rmb being scared to use the electrical one in sec 1...
cause feel like the one which used electricity might be difficult to stop unlike your hands... stupid fear...

i noe but after watching a horror movie on tv abt how the dolls become alive n one of them trapped the man's hands with the sewing machine n used it... i got scared... :p
but luckily got over the fear quite quickly i would say... if not how to sew things...
a wedding dress that soba likes... but oni the back...
some patterns i like...

the last 2 galleries- photographs n food... i oni took the words... but took some pics with kelly n soba...
thxs kelly for taking these pics 4 mi... though i prefer to b teh 1 taking pics :p
the first one i look a bit eerie... i should have tried a scary pose!
don't u like the curtain? n i simply love the rooms n furniture!n kelly siting there...
then we went to the history gallery where we were each given a "companion"- a machine with headphones...

as we walked we can pressed the no. indicated on the floor and there will be recordings introduceing the exhibits! so cool! n furthermore, u can press and listen to lots of accounts!!!


i realli love that place...

after that... we walked past this old tree... towards cityhall for lunch... yes we met at 10.30am n were in the museum till ard 3.30pm?...
n we went to shukudo... which is different frm wad i expected cause this is not a resturant but rather a marche type thg...
n well since i will be having tuition at 8.30pm that nite i decided to just buy a small serving... if not can't eat dinner...
i bought a bamboo chicken rice... cause i suddenly rmb my gums are still swelling so better avoid seafood... soba din eat soba but a prawn bamboo rice n egg... n kelly had an omelette that is so delicious! the cheese!!! sorrie i m obessed w cheese...

n finally this is my fav pic of the day... ok... i looked weird inside but i love the backgd...

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