Monday, June 09, 2008


ever wondered why ppl intentionally say thgs that they knew will hurt the other party?
when u argue w another person whether friend or foe...
as long as you feel hurt...
u shoot back?
u say thgs u noe will hurt them...

sometimes words hurt more than actions...
verbal attacks can be more lethal...
simple words...
"hate" "die" n other words could cause great pain to the other party esp if u are close...

a phrase like "i hate u"

frm ur enemy
might make u smirk...
or have u return a casual... "glad that u share the same opinion as me"...

frm a stranger
might make you uncomfortable...
or have u ask "what makes u think that?" or simply juz walk away... like u care for an unknown person's feelings...

but frm a friend or family...
such a sentence could torn ur heart to pieces...
destroy ur relationship?

the closer u re to someone... the easier to be hurt...
but everyone need to be close to someone...
to be able to trust someone...
no one could live in loneliness...
it would be too sad...

yet... the closer u are...
the easier these words might come out in the heat of anger...
n that's why ppl nid to think b4 they speak...
when u are hurt...
most ppl wanted the other to feel that hurt n in order to do so...
they use the most hurtful words...

but then in true friendship or kinship...
the other party ought to be able to understand... n forgive...
n the party who said those words might want to apologise...
words can be more lethal than actions...
actions might speak faster than words but...
undeniably... words hold power as well...

well... isn't being a person difficult?

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