Wednesday, June 25, 2008


i dunno why...
but guess i m not meant to have lots of friends...
i mean those that realli stick to u?
i dunno...
been feeling realli out of loop of everything...

i m not one who take initative..
i m not a leader...neither am i a follower...
i m an outcast?

been realli sick...
dunno y...
last few days was my gums...
now having cramps n headaches ...

these few weeks din even kept in contact w ani one...
din go out w ani1...
well... i go out myself :p
went to jurong lib n shop ard alone...

one of my friend frm pri n sec was gg to have a 21st bday party...
used to be veri close in pri sch...
but she transferred in p4? cant rmb...
then we got into the same sec n same cca...
realli by coincedence...
but lost contact for quite sometime...
din now where she goes... n everithg...

yeah i m bad at keeping tabs on my friends...
when sth happens...
guess i m always the last one to noe...

but then i dunno...
juz tired le...
sometimes... it's better to be ignorant than to know

when u find urself out of loop...
wad will u do?
sometimes felt so left out...
but then all i can tink is nvr mnd...

when watching saiyuki, prince of tennis, n all those different types of anime...
they always have ppl to rely on whether friends or family...

but in reality...
how many ppl can have that?
it's easy to make friends...
but difficult to maintain friendships...
n some ppl are not meant to have friends...
but ppl needs friends and family...
we need support whether u admit it or not...

but not every one can support another person
n not every one can find someone to support them...
there are thgs in the world that we cant force others to do...
there are things in the world that we ourselves dun want to do...

everything in the world is a give or take...
friendship is one...
family is one...
even ur grades is one...
ur work is one...
u need to give sth in order to gain sth...
but how to give?
how much to give?
how long before u can gain...

when writing stories...
u have to write b4 u can get reviews...
if u want others to read n give u comments...
u have to read others n help others too...

haiz... life is sth u have to giv sth in order to gain sth...

wad do u all tink?

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