Thursday, April 17, 2008

presento! arigato minna-san

ok... things had been up n down these few days...
finally finished my term paper...
will do an update of my life tmr... nxt entry ba...
here is an extremely late entry...
i want to thx all of u for ur presents!!!
n all the encouragement n help u all gave mi during my chicken pox period!!!

first are the presents...

the first present i received this year are frm sijia!!!
thxs girl!!!
they are so cute!!! kawaii desu ne!!!
esp the cards!!! so sweet!!!

i love the small pouch!!! n the clip!!! n everithg!!!

ok... the nxt are presents frm my aunt but i oni take pic of the bag...
i love the bag n all the blouses!!! but i din noe how to take pics of them wout wearing... haha...

ok... the nxt is frm xiujuan,yiwen n joanne!!!
a 4gb thumbdrive!!! i always wanted to buy one but dunno which one to buy so din buy but now i have one!!! haha! use it for all my term papers le!!!
thxs a lot...

nxt is frm the three of them... xinying, wenya n xianhao...
the funny thg...

the bag is exactly the same as the one my aunt gave mi...
oni that the one my aunt gave mi had a keychain... n is frm ice lemon tea...n is black... she tried to get mi a white one knowing that i like my bag to be white... cause easy to match my clothes... but they're out of stock... she gave mi the receipt and told mi to change if i dun like... but i love it...
she said oni left black n brown so she get mi the black one..
i love it! so nice!!!
n it's the same as the other one except the other is frm ink n white in colour...
haha... same style same zip n everithg...
i love them!!!
thxs a lot...

the bags... look the same?
even the zips...

ok... they also gave mi a necklace!!! frm diva...

n then there's the card...

ok... also some ppl i want to thank...for helping mi thru my sickness...
not ranked hor!!! juz think all of u as number one :p

1stly is our
miss YIWEN!!!
realli helped mi a lot w my einstein's module...
i missed 5 lects out of the 10 lects for this 2nd half after recess week...
n this kind girl photocopied all her slides n passed to mi!!!
then helped mi with the exams n my term paper for another module by sending mi her lect notes ppt!!!
then also constantly reminding mi not to walk in the rain n even took out her umbrella haha....
thxs a lot girl!!! trouble u so much this sem...

2ndly we have
miss sijia...
realli surprised to see ur email actually...
thxs a lot.... i havent even asked u n u emailed mi le!!!
thxs a lot for informing mi abt the exam format!!!
realli thxs! n i muz say thxs for listening to my rants everytime we go home together... :p

miss xinying!!!
thxs a lot for listening to me!!!
u called my hse a few times n thxs a lot...
i was so stressed n u helped mi!!! thxs!!!
n also the tags at my blog... thxs!

then still got miss wenya... n also
miss xiujuan...
thxs for asking if i needed help or not!!!
thxs!!! n all the tags on my blog!!! n also the sms!
n thxs for ur gu wen dic ,wenya...
still at my hse...

then also thxs to
mr aion!!!
thxs for ur sms n the tags!!! thxs for all ur encouragments!!!

also thxs for everi1 like joanne, yundan...for ur sms ur encouragments!!! not to forget the tags at the tagboard!!!

minna-san arigato gozaimashita!!!

it had been a difficult period for mi...
thxs for all ur understanding n encouragments!!!
i m ok le... thxs a lot realli!!!

无数的谢谢, 尽在不言中。


1 comment:

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