Saturday, April 05, 2008

For Voicemail, Press Two fan fic... return calls!!!

i was supposed to be typing out term papers n presentations or study for test...
yes they are all nxt week deadlines...
but i saw one of my fav author's updates...
a one-shot...

n it's one veri gd piece!!!
n i will recommend it to everyone out there...

For Voicemail, Press Two by cjmarie

i read it at fan fic . net
umm... not sure if i can put the link like that...
so dun sue mi ok?... haha

it's a gundam wing fan fic...
but i dun tink u nid to know anithg abt gundam wing...

the end was like so shocking!!!

the moral of the story was that you should answer ur phone...
it makes mi realize how easy it is for people to ignore sms or msgs when u are busy esp when u noe ur friends will understand...
but tis simple neglience can cause drastic consquences....

really recommend it to everyone out there...

n i want to apologise to everyone that i did not return sms, emails n everithg cause i m busy...
i will try to improve nxt time...
n to everione who has been guilty of tis b4... let tis be a reminder...

1 comment:

Mrs Sharon Sim said...

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