Monday, November 19, 2007


i want to rant here...
went to sch today to photocopy some readings...
took a survey n got $10...
but used it up quite quickly...
juz check my universe score...
realli bad... scared i fail that module...
haiz... too late for regrets...
realli strange that my forum marks is 0... but then again i din ask ani constructive qns... so too bad...
aniway... went to causeway pt... to borrow some bks for the exam on sat...
n also to buy dinner home...
went to cold storage to buy a black pepper chicken n a honey glazed chicken...
n grab some sushi...
then the cashier... a trainee... was so slow...
ok... so she's still unused to the job so veri slow... but my hands veri tired...
carry so many thgs... wish i brought a basket...
i went outside to sit at one of the seats opp the singtel shop...
here's the thg that i m veri angry abt...
i sat there to adjust my thgs...
kept my wallet n stuff...
then there was tis woman... ard mid or late twenties?
w her boyfriend or husband i dunno...
the seat is meant for one person per space n she juz squeezed besides mi... nearly toppling my thgs!!!
there's an empty seat besides mi... juz someone put an empty bottle there...
if she wanted to squeeze w mi... why not go to the other empty seat? i realli dun understand...
i was a bit irritated at that time...
she also hit the other auntie at the other side i tink... cause not auntie also looked unhappy...
i mean she is thin but why muz squeezed w others? she realli tink that she's that thin?
aniway... her boyfriend or husband? i tink shd be husband since they are looked like they are married at tis age...
he asked her why she juz sat there... she juz said there's no choice... her feet hurts...
actually i was annoyed but still ok... but wad makes mi realli angry is that...
i realli couldnt believe she said that...
i juz stood up and took my thgs since her hair... yes she had long hair n not tied up... her hair nearly hit mi when she was talking to her husband...
n she actually said "yes!" veri she scored lottery or sth...
i mean i let u have the seat n u go yes! like i was the one who shd have left long ago...
i was so tempted to glare at her!!!
but i juz took my thgs n left... i dun want to argue w immature ppl...
after all... one is not wise if u argue w rude ppl... cause they can get away w almost anithg since they are considered rude... argue w them... u sink to their level...
mayb i m petty...
but i have food n she juz came n nearly pushed my food to the floor...
then said yes veri loudly... for a child we will say it's rude... n she's an adult... an adult i stressed not a teenager or wadsoever...
i cant believe she did that...
i mean come on... u had been so rude n u still tink u are rite?
n there are other seats ard... n u purposely squeezed in?
i cant believe it! where's the maturity?
haiz... i m realli disappointed that i had seen tis behaviour of a six-year old in an adult that is almost 30?
well... exams coming... so i tink i shd 4get tis incident soon... 5 more days to exams... actually 4 more days... since today ois almost over...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

ninmu kanryo!!!

finally finished all the papers..
but think i did badly...
means i have to work extra hard for the exams...
all my papers are not done up to my standard since i m rushing...
not feeling well these few days...
stuck in toilet most of the time...
then i cut myself again... accidentally...
the small metal from the tap pierced my finger again...
i wondered why the tap hate me?!!!
aniway... some scenery photos i have taken...

n i saw a rainbow the other day!!!
i tink it is last fri... was walking to the mrt for my tution at ard 7pm...
it's like the 2nd time i had seen a rainbow?
n i managed to take a few pics...
but it is fading...
ok... how my table looks like when i did my term papers n study for my test?
n it looks even worse now than ever...
dun dare to take pics... too messy... to be shown... haha...
n my sis worse... she's having a-level...
her ones even more messy...
make me fall a few times... haiz...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

phone call...

a veri stupid call woke me up at 8.45 am when i juz slept at 3am last nite!!!
so stupid!!!!!!
also make my parents to argue untill now... yes still gg on...
it's realli stupid!!!
i studied universe till 3am yesterday but i oni finished 3 lect!!!
i die le... got 10 lect n 3 tut...
n term paper to be handed in tmr...
i left less than 12 hrs... to finish...
finished the readings now doing planning b4 i start to type...
n test is on tue!!!
i die le...
morning wasted because of the stupid phone call!!!
n feel so sleepy even though i juz ate my lunch...
ok... what's the call?
there is supposed to be some event gg on today near my hse...
n my mum's friend called.... to ask us to go down...
my sis who is miting a friend to study for her a took the call...
told the auntie that we are all sleeping...
yes... i studied till 3 am but my father n little sis... watched vcd till 2.30am last nite...
the show was quite funny... realli i listened to it while i studied... :p
aniway... everi1 was so tired... finally can sleep in...
n she called n asked us to go down for the event saying that there's free food or sth...
i was too tired to care...
but my sis said we are sleeping n she was late but the auntie still asked my sis to wake all of us down to go down...
so stupid lor!
my sis was calling my mum who was out at chong pang, participating in the weekly walk...
mum din ans her hp... n my sis in her panicky state... woke all of us up...
nevertheless to say all of us were in bad mood...
i told her to go to mit her friend n juz forget the whole thing...
then she went off...
n the auntie called again n wanted us to hurry up...
so in the end... my dad juz went down to go n see what's happening...
the ppl there was distributing some drinks so my dad juz took some n went home...
yes... the auntie who called was not there at all!!!
too tired le...
then when my mum came home she was annoyed...
she said that the drinks were for ppl who participate in the event...
since we did not we shd not take them...
n the organisers had been complaining abt ppl who juz take free food n went home...
n my dad was like embarassing her... since everi1 there knew my mum...
n will tok that we are taking adv...
n my dad was furious that my mum's friend woke all of us... n asked us to do such thgs...
haiz... so they are still arguing over it now...
n the auntie also called other ppl to go down veri early...
juz a phone call... ok mayb 2 or more...
n it juz made our day so bad...
feel so upset n tired!
dun u tink that ppl sleep in on sun?!!!
n i m rushing my termpaper n exams!!!
AAARGH! Stupid phone call!!!
mayb nxt time we nid to shut the phone off early in morning?
now i rmb there's why i switched off my hp at 9pm n oni switched it on when i left the hse...