Saturday, June 23, 2007


i m lagging behind in my posts again...
so sorrie...
veri busy...
today finally got time to rest....
ok... kbox trip on thurs...
well... it's a long story...
1st... wenya was late n mi n xianhao agreed tt nxt time we shd make miting time earlier...since everi1 will be late in the end...
2nd... it is a long trip... it is ard $20 n the time is long... frm 11+ to 6+... i left earlier due to tuition... i tink they stayed till 7pm? havent asked...
3rd... nearly lost my temper... seriously... haiz... nxt time i tink i will noe wad to do... realli hate it when ppl distracted mi when i was busy... mayb i shd juz lost it? :p juz kidding... but i ruined my song le... n i realli loved the song because it is sth i have gd memories of...
4th... i m not gd at singing.... realli...
5th... i have bad luck? one of the songs... the lyrics turned too slow... n i got lost... n unsure... and then another song... no sound came out... i like that song a lot... but it was too eerie to continue... i mean sing a song wout music n the person is singing but no sound came out... too creepy...
6th... it is not gd to rush ard... i have to rush down frm cck to yishun... the train is slow n crowded due to peak hrs... n then the bus is super slow n crowded as well...
plus i din realli have lunch n dinner... n kids are juz too hyperactive...
7th... n i dunno... how to say tis wout sounding -ive... but i tink i have some issues with a few ppl ? that nid to be solved soon b4 i realli lost my temper someday... n i dun tink it will be ok animore after tt...
well fri is juz tuition... both in the afternoon and at nite... tiring... n tis will go on even when sch starts... tink i better find modules n plan my timetable properly tis time round... hope tt the list of modules n timetable will be out soon...
tmr is 24th june... 2 mths le... well... time passed fast?
currently working on my few stories...
have a few plots for chinese stories but dunno if shd start writing...

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