Friday, May 25, 2007

self pity...the tower...

haiz... sometimes... it's so hard to keep a friendship...
when u tink that it is easy to build a friendship...
it is veri difficult to keep one...

it is like a tower...
u can buy the bricks...
u can build it higher and higher as time passes...
the closer relationship is, the taller the tower will be...

but then tall tower topples...
when it topples...
everithg falls...
frm friends to strangers?
frm allies to enemies?

those who have fallen...
nid to stand up...
on its own...
help will be appreciated
but independent is necessary...
standing is difficult but necessary...
no one can stay fallen for a long time...
the tower will have to be rebuilded...
but then who will take the first step...

if stay fallen forever,
one might be drowned in self-pity...
so much that one will lose focus of what the world has to offer...
so what if u re sad...
so what if u re unlucky?
so what if u tink u are alone...
so what if u think that the world is against u?
if u re happy...
if u re right...
if u tink that u re not hurting anibody...
then stand... show that u could do it...
n get out of the pool called self pity...
time will pass... n will not stop 4 ani1...
the Earth will be revolving... the sun will always be rising and setting....
so stand n try to rebuild the tower...
or let go n build another new tower frm scratch...

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