Saturday, May 26, 2007


haiz... realli realli bad...
i was hoping to do well...
but i tink it is my own fault...
i din even study so who can i blame 4 my poor results other than myself?
then again... how can i study... even if i want to?
4 ssa... that is b4 everithg that happened excpt my stomach cramps...
yes it was on my first day...
real unlucky...
n the qns asked... i din even noe wad to ans...
n i oni got a b-
i had done really badly for my jap...
i got a c... but then i din even rmb the vocab on the day of the exam...
so wad can i do?
blame it on bad timing? i dunno...
it is the first exam i took 1 or 2 days after my grandfather passed away...
the day b4... i was still trying to accept the fact that he was gone...
mayb i m lucky that i din fail...
after all... i din touch the jap thgs b4 i sit 4 e exam...
nm is another which i din study... n worse they changed the format all of a sudden...
it was on the same day as jap... n i oni studied in the lib after i finished my jap paper...
n it was scary because i litterally dead to sleep in the lib n when i woke up i cant see a thg...
tink wenya was shocked by mi :p... sorrie sala... din mean it...
luckily i din do too badly... got a b+ but then that was supposed to be an easy module...
4 chinese hist... i also got b+
but i did studied that the wk b4 but no time to study after due to funeral...
n i shd have done better.... but i din revise too much b4 the test... no time n mood...
as 4 the last paper...
it was the oni when i have time to study but the most difficult module...
due to the fact that everithg iss written in those wen yan wen... as in old chinese language...
the one that is veri difficult to understand...
i got a few days to study for that one but i oni got b- for it...
overall... i din do well...
my cap is oni 3.3 ...
last sem... i din do well as well n it is 3.4...
so haiz... quite bad....
but who to blame but myself...
everithg bad happened to mi at the same time...
veri unlucky... sick...funeral...sad...
nvr leave thgs to the last...
not oni exams... but also thgs to be done or said...
do it... say it... or it might be too late...
then all u have will be regret...
now... shd i continue w jap or not...
if i want... i have to start studying now last sem work...
decisions to be made...

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