Wednesday, February 21, 2007

quotes frm rave master 9

i juz read rave master manga bk 9...
yes... i m supposed to study or prepared thgs to teach...
but then i lazy ok....n i noe i havent update on cny days...
chu yi n chu er... let's juz say it is not gd... so i delayed again....
n i also 4get to uploaded the photos... sorrie... muz wait....

aniway... i read dunno until wad then juz borrowed tis bk...
veri TOUCHING!!! it was so sad....

the main character, Haru, finally found his father...
actually... i dunno how he found him or their first impression or anithg...
since the bk starts with explaining the relatnship btw the bad guy, king n haru's father n y haru's father, gale nvr returned him for the last 10 yrs....
the bad guy n gale glory(haru's father lah) were best friends...
then gale left him n went to garage island n met haru's mum, sakura n they lived there for 10 yrs... n have two kids b4 gale realized that king...(actual name is gale rarewood...) became bad...
n then thgs happened...
king's family were killed by empire forces which gale told them where king was...
n then king out of revenge killed sakura n king put a bomb within gale's body... n that's the reason he nvr returned home, not wanting the bomb to explode near his family...

aniway... the two friends were fighting one another n with haru at gale's side n king with a lot of dark being... then the father n son finally won... ok... the bad guy killed himself n his own members of the gang... he did not want his best friend, gale to be killed or anithg...
but on the way out, they were trapped n the tower collapsed n gale shielded haru and died....

it was so sad... i mean haru juz found his dad who he had hated almost for all the last few years n then they were discussing thgs they wanted to do together n then gale died...
it's realli sad... plus b4... the scene where king juz said that he did not realli blame gale for the deaths of his family n he regretted killing sakura... rite b4 he died...

aniway... here are a few quotes i think was veri touching... n meaningful...
yes... there dun belong to mi...

"it's not how much time u spend together, laughing, enjoying life that matters. once u're best friends, no matter how much u grow to hate each other, detest each other... deep down inside, u'll always be best friends..." gale said as he threw his sword away... he could not kill king...

tis is so true... n i realli want to tell everione who is reading tis...
thanks for being my friend... i realli appreciate u all... even if we no longer talk or contact with one another... i hope we can still be friends... i still regard u as my friend n i hope u will too... so pls... let us put aside all arguments or anger or anithg n be friends again? ok... i hope ppl are reading tis....

"i always assumed there would be victims, sacrifices on the road to peace. even if i died, it would be for the cause of peace. but what abt the people i'd left behind?" solasido thought as he reflected sadly abt the death of gale... ok... i like nvr see tis character b4 tis bk... so i also dun noe who he is... :p

aniway... tis is also so true... we always look at death as sth sad... if u died it is the end of everithg... it might be true but for u oni... wad abt the ppl u left behind? will they be sad? if u say u have no one in tis world so dying is ok... then again u re wrong... there are ppl who care... even if u dunno... so mayb that's y i realli hate ppl who think that dying is the soln for everithg?... mayb that is the reason why i used to hate myself? i dunno? aniway... i tink that living is sth ppl take for granted... n dying is juz sth sad...

"in situatns like these, i don't think guys should have to hold back..." elie told haru in front of gale's grave. and haru cried non stop b4 he stopped the nxt morning and declared... "no more crying!" and he started on his journey again...

crying is not weak... crying shows u have feelings... u re not robots...
but then again... crying too much is another matter...

ok... that's all... a long entry... cny updates another time? :p
n i tink i use photos instead of wrds...

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