Sunday, November 09, 2008

impt dates for mi...

ok... decided to put up the impt dates 4 mi...
to remind myself...
time is running out!!!
presentation tmr!!!
tonite muz finished everythg!!!
cant look at li bai animore...
then 2 term papers due on 17 nov!!!
die lah... cant even decide on the topic...
so many thgs!!!
then exams...
so close...
but i want everithg to finish soon so... haiz...
CH2223 24 Nov 2008 Evening
so many stories...
SC2213 25 Nov 2008 Afternoon
38 rdgs!!! how to finish...
GEK1542 27 Nov 2008 Morning
too many thgs to rmb...
CH3222 29 Nov 2008 Afternoon
lect says muz watch all the dramas... impt...
haiz... i die le...

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