Friday, March 30, 2007

another day tut...

i got my paper back a b-...
ok... i tink i got penalised for the survey...
mcq... too restrictive n sample too small plus no diversity of races...
aniway... at least i din fail...
juz read naruto 4...
remind mi of the episode i watch last time...
so touching... actually it is veri tragic...
n read a veri touching fan fic... yyh...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

another day... tired...

haiz... i nid to retype after pressing dunno wad n the whole post is gone!!!
ok... dunno wad i m saying earlier... start frm the back tis time...
i havent upload my photos of the presents...
got to thanks everi1 even if it is one week old...
thanks for the cd!!! n necklace n the keychain... the keychain fit nxt to my skeleton keychain...
thanks! wenya, xiujuan, yiwen, xinying, xianhao, joanne n yew mun...did i miz out ani1?
thxs yundan for the cute keychain... reminds mi of u :p
thxs chio hui... not sure if u are looking at the blog.... but thxs a lot for the earrings...
thxs to the two girls... ok sure they dun read my blog but thxs for the purse it sure is nice!!!
did i miz out ani1? minna san arigato gozaimashita!!! xie xie!
ok... i got bad my jap vocab quiz last week... did veri veri badly...
sensei drew a sad? disappointed? angry face there... ok... i also dunno wad the face means...
so sad... but that quiz is taken on my first day... girls noe wad i m talking abt...
i cant even see the wds clearly much less write the correct wds.... yes the cramps...
n mid term returned... i oni got 34 out of 50 heard others got 40+... haiz...
funny thg is that i failed my writing 6/15 while others got veri gd marks for that...
but i got 13/15 for listening which most ppl find it difficult...
but then last wk tc listening veri bad... yes the cramps distracted mi again...
haiz... can do nothing abt that...
n today i got one-sided headache n felt so nauseous...
but she kept crying n i got so frustrated...
moreover, when i reached she told mi she dun like mi...
i m not a gd teacher... n she refused to listen to mi...
till i giv her sweets... ok she listened for a while b4 she went back...
n she started crying again... n i nid to raise my voice a bit b4 she kept quiet...
n no... i havent lost my temper... if not... i tink she will be in so much trouble...
when i get angry thgs get veri... umm... ok.. u noe...
i m pisces... pisces are two-faced... i can get veri scary if i want...
but no i was tempted to but i kept calm...
not sure how long... got pay...
ok... back to nm essay...
today hand in one...
love my ch grp...
thxs fang yu, chun mei n yi wen!!!
nm crisis after crisis...
fri nid to hand in...
nxt mon got to hand in another... i havent even started on that...
die lah...
n typing tis juz after i got home....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

bday celebratn 2

kbox on 17th mar...
2 days b4 my bday...
kbox!!! we went to paradiz center...
we are at rm 69...
fish n chips k lunch abt $12.25 each person...
all the photos at zhui xing blog...
yes on the left... juz click?
i oni pick a few put here....
we went to mos burger....

then mac...
play monopoly... as usual xianhao wins....
dinner at pepper lunch...
more photos at zhui xing blog...
then finally home....

Monday, March 19, 2007

bday celebration1

yeah! i start w the cake!!!
yes... celebratn w my family...
this are all taken on 16th mar...
yes... 3 days b4 my actual bday on fri nitex...
we celebrated early...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

thurs nitex at vivo....

we have fun at vivo on thurs...
some pics taken frm xiujuan's blog!!!

this is a collage xiujuan made n i din even noe when she took half of the photos!!!

ok... the cheese is always besides mi even if i finish my food everytime i m at pastamania...
n i m veri tempted to juz open the cap n empty the whole thg into my food... but wenya always dun allow mi... so sad.... T_T

mi n yiwen... n the other photo has yundan's bag n i din notice her taking tis photo...

ok... on the train... xiujuan din told mi she's taking photo so the first attempt...
she took it with the pole :p

ok... we took tis on the dhoby ghaut mrt station's escalator...
well... that's all... hopefully i can publish tis! my last entry is not shown... wonder y?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

chinese new year...

i have been having a headache for the last few days and a mild fever...

n now still feeling like vomiting...
thgs had been so hectic... exams tuition.. haiz...

well... i finally got time to upload photos but my mum says dun put photos w ppl...
so here goes... morning n nite...
at my mother's side grandpa's hse... took out of the window...

some cny goodies...

my father's side grandma's hse i took e photo out of the window...

i m dying....