Saturday, January 31, 2009

a complaint n study...

finally studied together w xinying today...
haiz... we veri bad...
aniway... we went to mac @ amk today...
today dun have a lot of ppl... the seats were a bit empty...
maybe cause cny?

aniway... we bought a set meal each straight away.... starving~

then we talked a lot...
n studied will wenya came at ard 2pm...
then i started to take some pics... not all i took some wenya took the pics...

actually i tink these pics are taken by wenya...

then i took some pics as well...
i love the 1st pic... so cny? lol

then wenya tried to disrupt us in our "ba-zai"photo-taking session...
her fingers kept appearing in the pics!
i decided to try taking a pic of myself again n ... looked so werid...
looks like i got short hair w my hair tied up... so ugly rite?
n realize i havent complain here... at least i dun tink so...
aniway... last week i decided to buy a pair of shoes frm royal sporting hse...

i saw it at causeway but the salesgirl... who kept talking to her friends... whom i think visit her cause they came when i was standing there trying to get her attention...

the other salesman busy with another customer or sth dun rmb...

but anyway, i asked a pair of brown colour n she said no stock... tehn i asked another colour gold n still no stock..that's teh oni 2 colour that looks nice and formal... then she said oni got the other colours which i dun likr... n she like anyhow look like that n said everythg on display...

nvr mind... tok i go to another branch...

after lect that day tink it's mon... i tok there's a branch at ssc...
but xiu juan told me to go northpt nearer...
but northpt also dun have the colour... cause they din even put it up for display...
n then i go ssc n realized that there's no royal sporting hse but oni world of sports...haiz... i blurred... nvr mind...
so i take the shuttle bus n go back to causeway cause i decided to juz get the blue ones...

this time is another salesgirl much nicer... i asked for the brown ones again... trying my luck since the otehr girl din even realli check juz scan thru... but the salesgirl checked n said there's none... i asked for the other colour- gold... n she checked and found a pair... i bought the pair...
however, i was a bit pissed off...
if only that salesgirl gave me that pair then i no nid to go so many places to look for it rite?
haiz... can't she be serious w her work?

teardrops on my guitar-taylor swift

i got the lyrics from...

the mtv is not bad n the lyrics are great too...

Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
What I want and I need
And everything that we should be

I'll bet she's beautiful
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything
That I have to live without

Drew talks to me
I laugh 'cause it's just so funny
I can't even see
Anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love
He's finally got it right
I wonder if he knows
He's all I think about at night

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

Drew walks by me
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be

She better hold him tight
Give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes
And know she's lucky 'cause

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

So I drive home alone
As I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down
And maybe get some sleep tonight
'Cuz he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

He's the time taken up but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into
Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see

the chinese version i translated... veri badly done i tink...









他占了所有的时间但还是永远 不够,

Friday, January 30, 2009

full metal alchemist movie

another lagging post... found it in my drafts... it's supposed to be posted on 9th jan...

full metal alchemist movie! it is supposed to clear up some doubts n bring an happier ending... i tink... but i tdun tink it helps... it made me want to know wad will happened nxt!!!

there are rumors that there will be another april? but not sure...


really nice! it's exciting n touching...
here's the song...

here's the full metal movie dvd trailer.. i tink...

she juz wanted to find a place to belong...
it doesn't matter if she's doing the right thg or not...
it juz matter if she had a home or not...

Ed wanted to go home if gg home means bringing war into his homeland...
he rather be trapped here forever...

Al might lost all his memories during the time in the armor...
but he knew one thg for sure...
he wanted his brother back...
if his bro can't come back...
he will b there with him... they will be together...
cause they are

Roy mustang is back!!! he's so love him...


I hate everything!
why do i have to shoulder everything?
why is it always my fault?

it's not even my fault, yet i m the one blamed...
when thgs go wrong, i can't even scold teh one at fault...
cause i m a mad woman?
i m an auntie?

wad's wrong w that?
y is it always me?

i m proud beacuse i m in uni?
how many pplare uni students nowadays?

i dun take care of my sisters?!!!
what have i been doing? i missed so many thgs in my life because of them yet i dun take care of them?!!!

i feel so i dunno wad?...


i m so angry
i feel like screaming!
why is it always i m the one who have to do everythg?

yet why m the one always the one to be blamed?

i m so sick of it!

sometimes i dunno why i m the one who stays at home?

soemtimes i just wished i m alone...
maybe loneliness is better to be coped with than anger...

why m i even here?
why m i here?
should i juz disappear?

but i dun have the courage none the ability...

i m sick...
i m so frustrated...
not only is my stomach in pain,
i feel like exploding...

throwing thgs, screaming, yelling...

crying, tears flowing, words running,

i hate everythg!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

doggie.. lucas?

here's some pics i took of my aunt's dog... LUCAS...
is that how to spell the name? lol...
ano inu wa kawaii desu ne!

cny 09 - chalet cum my hse

ok... mina-san!
Happy Chinese new year!!!
Happy Chinese new year!!!

on sat,
went to chalet @ downtown east...

haha... 2nd time bbq that i went n din help but eat :p
i veri bad...
both my sis n cousins went to catch a movie at 1.30am but i too lazy n cold so decided to stay in the room watching dunno wad show... i fell asleep a bit...but i slept for 1/2 hr then wake up then sleep another half hr then wake up again so overall oni slept for 1 or 2 hr...

then sun morning (chu xi) i went home with mum...
while the rest of them continue to stay there... or rather they went to kbox... i also so long din go kbox le... almost a yr din sing le... missing it~ haha...

aniway i nid to check up ivle forum discussion that's dunno how many per cent i tink 10% for mi this wk as i m the grp leader... so went home... reply some qns then post MORE qns... yeah i m veri bad... after that took a 3hr nap n do some cleaning n stuff b4 we went down to ahma's hse for reunion dinner...

n i love the steamboat... teh prawns dumplings!!! my fav...

after that, sis they all went back to chalet while i went home... do more discussion on the forum... surf teh net until 3am b4 sleeping a bit... then wake up early on chu yi...

chu yi... my sis they all came home... n sleep till they come while i helped out a bit n continue on my laptop... I LOVE RI KOUYUU... haha reading saiunkoku during cny...

then all of them came n after dinner started mahjong... haiz i lose $4.20 then win $3.80 then lose $1.60... n so on... we played till 5 am then slept n woke up again n continued till ard 3pm... my cousin went to pick up her girlfriend... n we postponed gg to my paternal side to sun...i working that day i tink... nid to catch up on my readings b4 then...

in the end... so tired on i m sick again... stomach decided to go to fri lect instead for it1003...

n today (thur)... i din slept at all on wed nite... spent the night in toilet again haiz... took some medicine then went for it tut n modern lit today....

wow now gg to sleep le... so tired... taihen desu ne...

but neverthe less, it's unforgetable...

btw... i gt into arguments w my sis... AAAH! sometimes dunno wad she's tinking... n juz a 2yr gap so dun tink it's generation gap :p

aniway... some pics... i din take ani pics at home...

n while playing mahjong, my cousin couldn't stop listening to this song...

so it's been on my mind these days... scary desu ne...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

spring cleaning

laging post...

i spent more than a week on spring cleaning juz my study table n a few days on my wardrobe...
actually wardrobe... i oni chose some clothes then my mum kept the rest...

the progess of clearing my study room... with all my notes...

after i cleared a bit....
went out... then started again 2 days later...

the laptop bag that i filled with all papers... n metal strips by the side...

then i tore off the paper frm the study table...
n that's the inside...

after that, wrapped it up again...

clearing off beads... put them into a big box...

a container for all strings... n another bag for all ribbons...
fit them all inside the black drawer...

then all the yarns in a box as well...

then clear the pencil cases n put them in small drawers...

the neatstudy table... yeah!
clear all files n file new notes... n reshuffle thgs...

here's the thgs i discard... all thrown away....