Thursday, June 26, 2008

prince of tennis ep 125 angry fuji...

prince of tennis ep 125... angry Fuji!

i love Fuji!!!!
he's so cool...
and he's finally serious...
and his sister realli understands him...
but can't say the same for yuuta... haha
and mizui kept saying that he's fuji's destined rival...
well oni he tinks so... haha...
Fuji realli taught Akaya an impt lesson...
so cool!!!
i dig out the tarot cards that i bought recently...
and got some Fuji's pics...
serious Fuji....

my fav card!!! kawaii desu yo?

ok... back to typing... overdue for a yr le... :p

haiz... stomach cramps...
nid to go for another dental appointment soon as well...
haiz... y m i so sick?.....................

by the way...
anione noe how to use facebk?
can teach mi...
cause i dunno wad to do...
thxs... :p

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


i dunno why...
but guess i m not meant to have lots of friends...
i mean those that realli stick to u?
i dunno...
been feeling realli out of loop of everything...

i m not one who take initative..
i m not a leader...neither am i a follower...
i m an outcast?

been realli sick...
dunno y...
last few days was my gums...
now having cramps n headaches ...

these few weeks din even kept in contact w ani one...
din go out w ani1...
well... i go out myself :p
went to jurong lib n shop ard alone...

one of my friend frm pri n sec was gg to have a 21st bday party...
used to be veri close in pri sch...
but she transferred in p4? cant rmb...
then we got into the same sec n same cca...
realli by coincedence...
but lost contact for quite sometime...
din now where she goes... n everithg...

yeah i m bad at keeping tabs on my friends...
when sth happens...
guess i m always the last one to noe...

but then i dunno...
juz tired le...
sometimes... it's better to be ignorant than to know

when u find urself out of loop...
wad will u do?
sometimes felt so left out...
but then all i can tink is nvr mnd...

when watching saiyuki, prince of tennis, n all those different types of anime...
they always have ppl to rely on whether friends or family...

but in reality...
how many ppl can have that?
it's easy to make friends...
but difficult to maintain friendships...
n some ppl are not meant to have friends...
but ppl needs friends and family...
we need support whether u admit it or not...

but not every one can support another person
n not every one can find someone to support them...
there are thgs in the world that we cant force others to do...
there are things in the world that we ourselves dun want to do...

everything in the world is a give or take...
friendship is one...
family is one...
even ur grades is one...
ur work is one...
u need to give sth in order to gain sth...
but how to give?
how much to give?
how long before u can gain...

when writing stories...
u have to write b4 u can get reviews...
if u want others to read n give u comments...
u have to read others n help others too...

haiz... life is sth u have to giv sth in order to gain sth...

wad do u all tink?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

cry- rihanna

this is a song that i really like when i heard it at a shopping centre...
the lyrics and tune realli touching...

cry by rihanna...
lyrics frm...

I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
Cuz I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye

Relationships don't get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they love me truely
But at the time it didn't mean a thing

My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel

This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

Did it happen when we first kissed
Cause it's hurting me to let it go
Maybe cause we spent so much time
And I know that it's no more

I shoulda never let you hold me baby
Maybe why i'm sad to see us apart
I didn't give to you on purpose
Gotta figure out how you stole my heart

My mind is gone, i'm spinning round
And deep inside, my tears i'll drown
I'm losing grip, what's happening
I stray from love, this is how I feel

This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

How did I get here with you, i'll never know
I never meant to let it get so, personal
After all I tried to do, stay away from loving you
I'm broken hearted, I can't let you know
And I won't let it show
You won't see me cry

This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry

This time was different
Felt like, I was just a victim
And it cut me like a knife
When you walked out of my life
Now i'm, in this condition
And i've, got all the symptoms
Of a girl with a broken heart
But no matter what you'll never see me cry
All my life...

ok... my translation...





但无论如何 你看不到我哭





但无论如何 你看不到我哭



但无论如何 你看不到我哭


但无论如何 你看不到我哭


so ppl stay strong....

Monday, June 23, 2008

happy belated birthday!!! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
not mine... image from image chef...

well... i was too busy yesterday...
n having all types of aches... :p
toothache, stomachache...
after i reached home...
then my sis having exam...

so now then got time to post...
realli sorrie for the belated wishes!

not sure if you will read or not :p

HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!!! >_<

may you be happy forever...
smile always...
but not too much...
if not ppl might tink u re... :p

i noe i had been using this on everi1's cards since i was in jc1?
so abt 4 yrs still same greetings...
but hey... i havent told her yet...
n it's gd rite? :p

may you have gd results
and may all your wishes come true!!!
stay healthy and happy ^_^

Friday, June 20, 2008


my gums got swollen last few days...
been losing sleep the past few nites...
then yesterday...
it got so big that it affected my eating...
yup... it swell too big... almost cant see my teeth...

this morning decided to see a dentist..
i called...
told to get there at 11.30am...
but i waited till almost one b4 it's my turn!!!
wad a waste of time!!!

got lots of thg not done yet...
like wrapping presents n typing qns for tuition tmr!
n i waste so much time!!!

the dentist told mi it's because of my wisdom tooth...
n the swell was veri big...
haha.. if not big, i wont bothered w it...

2 mtds of treating the swell...
either by medication... which i m so tempted to... cause juz take medicine but took a long time...
or by a cut he made n let the blood flow out... will be faster...
he said it would be painless...
but w the injection to numb my gums!!! that's painful...
well mayb cause i cant take pain...

aniway the funny thg is that...
i got so tense that in the end... i got leg cramp... weird rite?
that's not all..
now the blood still flowing...
n i nid to take some pills as well!!!
i hate pills!!!
but dun take veri painful!!!
tmr still got 3hr tuition...

that's not all...
after the swell is reduced i nid to take out my wisdom tooth...
it's so x... but can use medisave...
but i scared of the pain...

ok... gotta go prepare for tmr...
hope to be able to go out soon...
but not feeling well these days...

i want go library!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who's free?
jurong or bugis lib!!!
i want to borrow comics!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


pei kiat-san! 誕生日おめでとう

ok... today's pei kiat's 21st birthday...
wish that u will stay happy n gd health!

we had so much fun last nite...

ok... first.. let's look at the card made...
fist taped all teh sides of teh msgs...
n then the cover... using thread n beads...

using ribbons n tapes... link them together...

i reached at ard 6.30pm... supposed to help out but i spent most of the time making friends w the tv... :p...

n cake cutting....
taking pics...
n the moon playing hide n seek w the clouds...
n food....

more pics n playing w the party thgs...
poor xinying... din believe her balloon burst...
haha.. supposed to be pei kiat's bday...
but i got presents as well...
4 my bday... haha...
thks a lot peikiat!!!
a planner...
n a purse...
not to forget the goodie bag 4 everi1!!! still got rocher... oni left 1... my sis ate them le...

lagging posts again...

my desktop gave up on mi...
so my dad went to pc show n bought a lenovo laptop...
i noe i took a pic of teh laptop somewhere...
but can't find...
aniway... that's 4 my sis..
i m finally using my laptop now...

aniway... i got tuition every sunday now...
haiz... muz go out on sun as well...
no more staying at home all day...
yes... i m miss antisocial...
lazy to go out these few weeks...

dunno which sun i decided to buy some donuts and crem puff back home...
cause my sis wanted sth special...
they are frm bakelite...
realli nice... i love the oreo ones...

then i dunno which wed... i tink it is 11 june... xinying n peikiat finished their exams...
aniway mi yiwen n xinying mit to buy peikiat's presents...
my sis wanted to come then changed her mind...
after that wenya n xiu juan also joined us for dinner...
i had curry omelette rice...
oiishi desu ne but a bit x...
oni eat once i a long time... muz save $!
aniway... xinying had the same thg...

n while waiting for xiujuan...
we decided to use the time to write msgs for peikiat so i could put in the card...
c how engrossed they were...
i veri bad.. i distracted them :p

then on fri...
i decided to sit at the 2nd row of the double decker...
c how high... the leaves sway in the wind...
on sun... i went for tuition...
n bought a pair of shoes... frm urs outlet... $10...
after that bought my sis to sun plaza 4 her to take pic 4 passport...
haiz... guess i m the oni person who havent gone overseas b4....
aniway was tinking of making a personalised stamp 4 my cousn's bday...
but teh stamp took 10 days n it will be delivered by post...
over by then... so gave up...

n on mon...
i bought my sis out again to causeway pt...
intially wanting to go popular to get her assessments... but turnede out that there's no stock... haiz... but instead i bought a stamp set... though the wrds are in korean... haiz prefer jap... or eng is the best.... but whole set is $2.90... n a $3 bk... words for all occassions... interesting bk...
then also bought materials n stuff for cards n prezentos...

we ate long john that day...
n i m so stupid...
i din realized i ordered upsize of lemon tea...
cause a bit noisy...
n i tink i misheard "i c"? as iced tea...
so much lemon tea... haiz...

aniway nxt post is peikiat's 21st birthday!!!!!!