Sunday, September 30, 2007

little thgs...

it's always the little thgs that get to me...
little by little... everithg builds up inside n i feel like exploding all of a sudden...

for mi,
it's tis sat... i guess...
i was so tempted to start running as i was walking towards bishan home...
somehow i nid to let everithg out...
but i stopped myself when i realized that they are 2 other voluteerers some way behind...
i settled for wandering ard after the voluteering...
walked ard bishan junctn n lib...
saw my cousin there n talked for a bit... home...
took a long way... haiz... used to walking ard or staying in the lib to tink whenever i feel low...

guess sat was almost the final straw...
almost lost my temper...
woke up at ard 4.30am to finish up my termpaper...
i delayed it frm wed to sat... mental block after i realized that my research is almost out of pt...
so woke up early to finish up b4 voluteering...
when i checked my sms...
realized that the others decided to go out wout asking if i can make it...
haiz.. mayb it's my own depression talking but i felt left out...
it used to be like that last time...
i hate to feel that i m taken for granted as if i m always there...
no one asked 4 my opinion n stuff...
mayb i m juz a spare tyre?

but i noe they did not mean that...
i realli do...
after all my friends now re diff frm those i noe last time...
n it's juz unintentional...
but somehow... i dunno... n combine w the stress i felt at rushing my term paper...
i guess i juz felt so down...

then when reached the home...
she told mi tt she changed her mind because other ppl asked her to...
somehow... i felt a bit upset...
i mean it's the same everitime...
i asked her to do tis or tt... she will juz say no... or juz ignored mi...
but when other ppl said the same thg... then she changed her mind...
it's like my words dun matter no matter wad i say...
n if i say more... i will be ignored...
i dunno... mayb it's juz mi...
so now... everitime she said sth... i will juz kept quiet... after all, i dun matter...
mayb it's juz stress... realli... dun tink she's intentional aniway...
juz my emotion goes down again...

i juz wandered ard...
then come back home...
use the com...
search for my fav fan fics...
read some of my fav...
mayb it's juz my habit...
but sometime... i read some of the touching stories mayb shed a few tears...
then i will feel so much better...
mayb i m an antisocial... i m not gd w interacting w others...
haiz mayb shd reconsider my career choices... mayb i shd not b a teacher after all...

i spent lots of my time sleeping...
trying to catch up for sat...
feel so tired... n have headache... mayb it's because of my 2 collison w basketballs at high speed yesterday... then my mouth also veri painful... that day bbq... i accidentally poke the satay stick at my lips... hurt a lot
then juz now... have argument w my parents n my little sis... over tuition again...
have tis argument everi wk... so tired...
now i use my com again... ranting down here...
hoping that i will feel better after getting all tis off...

haiz... bad days as usual...
but still want to thxs to aion n mango for being concerned...
i m ok lah... juz feel the nid to rant...
mayb i m not gd at talking out my prob... but i tink i have no prob w typing it out... :p
aniway... u all also take care ok?

hopefully it will be better tmr... 4 tmr is a brand new day...

bbq @ yundan's

ok... now abt the bbq at yundan's...
it was fun!

but 1st... let's see how time flies when we are there...
using photos of the moon i have taken that day!

see how dark it is...
there was a great scenery there!
i loved that place!
pics taken when we are waiting 4 xiujuan n yundan to come back w a lighter...

we tried to start the fire...
n we took nearly 2 hrs!!!
yundan even called the security guard 4 help!
here's how the fire looks...but i din stay long...
n have to thanks yundan's sis for buying more firestarters 4 us!

n then the fire's gets gg!
mayb it din stay cause we din sing..."campfire's burning campfire's burning..."
sorrie i lame le...
then all of us gets veri excited... n starts putting food....
2 of them taking pics of the others while i took a pic of them... haha...

wenya... i m busy... dun take pics of mi lah...n the others... still cooking...
haha... can sit down n eat...
finally... can rest le...
xiujuan roast a marshmallow for mi! thxs! yummy!
wenya eating her corn...
a last scenery pic b4 we go... walk home... so late le... almost midnite le...
well... a compare of pics of wenya...
left: wenya at the bbq
right: wenya w her hair rebonded at voluteering yesterday...
how different? mayb not... the smile still the same...haha...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


i simply love tis photo i took... in a taxi... :p hey! i was bored...

dun u find it funny?

everi1 wears a mask...

a smiling mask... a cold mask... an angry mask...

all kinds of masks...

seriously... who can live without wearing ani masks in his or her entire life?

a mask is like a role a person took...

a mask is one's duty...

it is one's place in life...

it's one's protectn frm hurt...

it's one's shell...

but wad's really funny is that...

deep in the heart...

one's hoping that someone will break that mask...

one can oni be happy to be w ppl that one won't nid his mask...

someone who one is comfortable enough to be wout mask...

n most imptly...

someone who can break that mask...

one can oni be truly happy if one can live wout a mask...

b w ppl that can show his true self...

live truely...

not living w a fake mask...

it's the most impt thing in the world...

to live happily, not blindly...

ppl who can help u live happily are difficult to come by...

so treasure them...


after i reread my fan fic... "masks"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


a pic of cloud i took while traveling ...











Sunday, September 23, 2007


ok... veri super long no update...
veri busy...
so today juz summarized...
1stly... tut started... n term papers n grp projects to be handed in... veri lei...
well... know someone b4 the tut for every tut except for understanding the universe...
that is untill i realized that some1 frm yj is also taking that module in my tut... haha.. small world...
aniway took an interesting photo that day on my 1st universe tut...
i spent 15 min looking 4 the classrm n still 30 min earlier...
then saw wenya who was an hr earlier for lect... tried to talk to her n...
she ignored me! so i took a photo...
n xiujuan made a veri funny comment...
she says looked like wenya got hit by the hp... haha...
hey reina dun get angry hor... juz kidding...

started voluteering at bishan home...
then it turned out that i went out everi sat to study w wenya n xinying after voluteering...
for the 1st sat... we went to novena... more info at zhui xing blog... yes... for the nxt 3 outings... shows how long i din blog here :p
2nd sat went to bishan w wenya n xinying to study...
yesterday was dessert trip... went bugis...
haha... oni tis 3 photos got my face.... n i took a lot more candid photos of others!
haha! i tink i like taking candid photos!
so ppl! beware!!! *witch's laughter*...
pls kindly ignore mi... i m a bit crazy...

another impt thing!!!
on tues 18th sep...
it's my little sis's bdae!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
i went to causeway after my lects to buy her long john silver n pasa maram food...
here's the spread... seemed a lot but actually all this are shared among 5 ppl... so still ok..
2sets of long john... (1 combo 1 n one seafood set) n crisy salted chicken... otah for my parents(oni 3 sticks :p) n tapioca...

n my 2nd sis... use my hp to take her photo...

ok... here's some photos of wenya n xiujuan to share...
both got bored w the movie n started to use my hp to take photos...
haha... since they are in my hp... so tok i will share it as well...
then there's star gazing...
i still got another session.... veri late at nite... haiz... gg alone nxt session.... scary... :p
2 of them taking photos again...

well... recess wk tis wk but a lot of thgs to be done.. hopefully can finish soon...