Wednesday, February 21, 2007

quotes frm rave master 9

i juz read rave master manga bk 9...
yes... i m supposed to study or prepared thgs to teach...
but then i lazy ok....n i noe i havent update on cny days...
chu yi n chu er... let's juz say it is not gd... so i delayed again....
n i also 4get to uploaded the photos... sorrie... muz wait....

aniway... i read dunno until wad then juz borrowed tis bk...
veri TOUCHING!!! it was so sad....

the main character, Haru, finally found his father...
actually... i dunno how he found him or their first impression or anithg...
since the bk starts with explaining the relatnship btw the bad guy, king n haru's father n y haru's father, gale nvr returned him for the last 10 yrs....
the bad guy n gale glory(haru's father lah) were best friends...
then gale left him n went to garage island n met haru's mum, sakura n they lived there for 10 yrs... n have two kids b4 gale realized that king...(actual name is gale rarewood...) became bad...
n then thgs happened...
king's family were killed by empire forces which gale told them where king was...
n then king out of revenge killed sakura n king put a bomb within gale's body... n that's the reason he nvr returned home, not wanting the bomb to explode near his family...

aniway... the two friends were fighting one another n with haru at gale's side n king with a lot of dark being... then the father n son finally won... ok... the bad guy killed himself n his own members of the gang... he did not want his best friend, gale to be killed or anithg...
but on the way out, they were trapped n the tower collapsed n gale shielded haru and died....

it was so sad... i mean haru juz found his dad who he had hated almost for all the last few years n then they were discussing thgs they wanted to do together n then gale died...
it's realli sad... plus b4... the scene where king juz said that he did not realli blame gale for the deaths of his family n he regretted killing sakura... rite b4 he died...

aniway... here are a few quotes i think was veri touching... n meaningful...
yes... there dun belong to mi...

"it's not how much time u spend together, laughing, enjoying life that matters. once u're best friends, no matter how much u grow to hate each other, detest each other... deep down inside, u'll always be best friends..." gale said as he threw his sword away... he could not kill king...

tis is so true... n i realli want to tell everione who is reading tis...
thanks for being my friend... i realli appreciate u all... even if we no longer talk or contact with one another... i hope we can still be friends... i still regard u as my friend n i hope u will too... so pls... let us put aside all arguments or anger or anithg n be friends again? ok... i hope ppl are reading tis....

"i always assumed there would be victims, sacrifices on the road to peace. even if i died, it would be for the cause of peace. but what abt the people i'd left behind?" solasido thought as he reflected sadly abt the death of gale... ok... i like nvr see tis character b4 tis bk... so i also dun noe who he is... :p

aniway... tis is also so true... we always look at death as sth sad... if u died it is the end of everithg... it might be true but for u oni... wad abt the ppl u left behind? will they be sad? if u say u have no one in tis world so dying is ok... then again u re wrong... there are ppl who care... even if u dunno... so mayb that's y i realli hate ppl who think that dying is the soln for everithg?... mayb that is the reason why i used to hate myself? i dunno? aniway... i tink that living is sth ppl take for granted... n dying is juz sth sad...

"in situatns like these, i don't think guys should have to hold back..." elie told haru in front of gale's grave. and haru cried non stop b4 he stopped the nxt morning and declared... "no more crying!" and he started on his journey again...

crying is not weak... crying shows u have feelings... u re not robots...
but then again... crying too much is another matter...

ok... that's all... a long entry... cny updates another time? :p
n i tink i use photos instead of wrds...

Monday, February 19, 2007

reunion dinner...

ok... i m updating a few day late...
so now i start frm chu xi...
aniway sth happened on that day that made mi angry that day...
my sis's ezlink card spoiled all of a sudden...
luckily for us, my hse's mrt here is a card replacement center...
so we made the card immediately...
however, the attitude of the person is SO BAD!!!
i mean ... we were in a hurry because it is late le n the card spoiled all of a sudden..
n the person's attitude WAS SO BAD!!!
we tried to ask her how the card spoiled in order to avoid the whole thg again...
but she juz said sth abt coins n we cant hear properly...
another thg i hate is that the person always speak so softly frm inside the place n cant hear wad they saying without straining my ears...
so the person repeated again veri impatiently...
then the person asked my sis to sign...
but we dunno signed where so we asked...
n she juz said veri irritably... "sign there lah!" then like rolled her eyes...
my dad got veri angry...
so he said "dunno then ask u... if not ask u for wad!"
then the person started to change her attiude a bit....
i m realli unhappy with the service... i mean pls lor...
u impatient or bad day also cannot say thgs like that n give ppl attitude...
i mean u are in the service department lor....
haiz... i tink she nid to improve....
cause it makes my family upset.... n it is chu xi lor....
haiz... more abt chu yi tmr... maybe....
n ppl, b4 i forget...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

turn the pgs...

hey it is chu xi todae....
tmr is new year!!!

juz returned home earlier frm sun plaza...
my sis doing last min shopping... for clothes....
yesterdae go to jurong east lib....
i stayed there for more than 2hrs... finished reading 6 yu yu hakuso comics...
kurama is the best! hiei is so cool! ok... i read b4 n i m juz reading again...

aniway... decided to share tis song...
i love the lyrics...
a song i heard in sec 2 or 3? or even 4? cant rmb...
but i realli like the lyrics....

"Better Best Forgotten"

If only you read my mind
You'd see I was hurt inside
A thousand times I've told myself it's over (it's over)
But the story has just begun
And darling whats done is done
It's time to change and leave the past behind

Why should we know all the answers
Or how the story ends (so baby)
Let's take a chance on a happy ending

(Let's) turn the page and stop pretending
The past can stop a heart from mending
It's time to let go 'cos baby you know
Some things are better best forgotten
And baby we can't pretend

In time the scars will mend
Please believe me theres a chance
let's take it (let's take it)
And maybe at last we'll find
That love should be true not blind

You can't decieve a heart that's open wide
(And) even now it's not to late

To change the story's end (so baby)
Let's take a chance on a happy ending

(Let's) turn the page and stop pretending
The past can stop a heart from mending
It's time to let go 'cos baby you know
Some things are better best forgotten

The story has just begun
Darlin' what's done is done
It's time to leave the past behind

yes, tmr is chinese new year n let's have a brand new start!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


ok... 2day instead of going home straight, i decided to go causeway lib to do some research...
then i decided to read a few bks... jewerlly making... comics n storybks...
then i started counting the pages that i want to photocopy....
11 pgs... then i continued to read while deciding if i want to photocopy here or in sch tmr...
while reading... i noticed tis guy looking ard...
then i got up n decided to photocopy the bk...
i walked to the phototcopy area n realized it was empty...
i was tinking haiz... nid to go downstairs...2nd level reference area... i noe there is a few there since i photocopied there b4....
n then i was tinking mayb borrow home n bring to sch tmr....
then as i was walking... the guy was i noticed looking ard walked up to mi n told mi that the photocopy area is at level 2...
i was a bit huh? n i juz said thanks n he walked away... n i noticed towards the level 2 phototcopy area.... so weird....
then i juz go first level listen to music for a while then go home....
so weird.... i cant help tinking.... did i say it aloud or sth?
how come he knew i was going to photocopy?... so weird....

Monday, February 12, 2007

arigato gozaimashita!!!

hey ppl... in case ani1 is wondering...
it is over!!!
n because my hp is weird n no $...
i can't send sms....
so sorrie....
n b4 ani1 misunderstood...
i din mean that our friendship is over...
realli! juz that our argument is over!
so dun misinterpreted hor!!!
aniway we decided to use the forgive n forget strategy...
n no... it is a silent agreement... :p
let's forget everithg, wenya... using telepathy n she says yeah let's... also w telepathy...
ok... if u believe my story... i m sorrie but... that is juz a story!!! :p
ok... i also dunno wad to say so i learn frm peikiat n be lame :p
ok... b4 i get killed or anthg for offending someone... i realli din mean to offend someone!!!
i got to say... i will treasure all of our friendship...
friends are impt.... ok that is not the reason why i m blogging... i m sidetracking too much... but can't stop... somebody stop the train... ok... i m not the train...
ANIWAY... i m back... u want mi to continue out? ok... i m asking qns n answering them on my own... sounds like crazy... i m mad!!! ok... i m juz a bit... i dunno... i m off again...
REALLI... I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my friends!!! thanks for being so concerned...
to xinying... thxs a lot! i tink i realli bad make u listen to my probs.... thanks a lot... dun worry zhui xing still there... rite wenya? xianhao? ok then....
to xianhao... even though i din reply ur sms... so sorrie my hp no $... i realli appreciate ur concern... n i m not sure if u received my first sms since my hp like weird le...
to pei kiat... thanks for listening... realli appreciate... i miss u!!! muz take care ok?
to xiujuan... who i tink was worried n send mi sms lat nite but i received them today after lect...
to yiwen... thanks... i noe u read my blog as well...
n a lot of ppl too... who were concerned abt mi n wenya...
domo arigato gozaimashita!!! thanks a lot... xie xie!!!
ok... i realli want to watch tv le... last episode the 10 o'clock show!!! bb.... another say...
n i m not crazy if anione is worried at my mental state after looking at the entry...
lesson 5 vocab test... i realli got to study.... but watch tv 1st i tink :p

Saturday, February 10, 2007

a lot of thgs....

a lot of thgs i wanted to talk abt....
so start frm first...
1st... i read a korean love story again today.... sth i borrowed well... frm long ago...
aniway... a part of story made mi veri sad... so much that i actually cry...
no... it's not the romance part...
it is the part when the girl realized that her parents had died in a hit n run accident when she was looking for a wedding aniversary present for her parents....
n when she reached the hospital... wad realli touched mi was that her usually cool n stoic younger brother cursed n fainted... then when he woke up instead of being the normal attiude teen... he cried non stop like a five year saying that he dreamed abt how when he was young the whole family had a trip in the forest playing and having fun... he said they could not just died... parents could not be that irresponsible! n the girl juz cried w her brother n then she kept muttering that it is juz a nightmare....
it's so sad.... b4 i started reading tis book, i had an argument w my mum again...
it made mi realize that not to take for granted kinship... treasure it while u can....
it was at tis pt xinying called mi so i dun have the time to finish e bk...
2ndly, i went back to yj 2dae....
it was values day again... i went back frm 5 n stayed till ard 9+pm... but i still din see a few of my teachers.... it was fun n i talked to mdm ho, ms li hua, ms ang n ms shen though she din teach mi b4.... i was disappointed not seeing ms lim, mrs lay naing n also ms lee who had left the sch....
i finally got to mit peikiat!!! PEI KIAT!!!! I MISS YOU!!! n thanks for doing my survey!!!
thanks a lot! u re the best! hope u keep in touch w mi!... ok dunno if u got read... leave a tag leh!
cricket, muz take care ok? miz u!!! n ur hair dun cut it lah... u finally have it longer than u used to have it... keep it? aniway i tink u look gd.... n muz keep in touch!!!
3rdly... i talked to xinying le.... n i told peikiat abt the prob n asked for advice...
so i decided to write a letter here... ok a short one....
a letter to a friend....
hey... we have been friends for a long time...
i realli treasure our friendship.... realli....
but sometime esp tis time... i felt realli tired juz to keep our friendship....
it seemed that the way we interact always end up w sth we dun like these days...
xinying says it is stress but i dun tink that's true...
to mi, it is all the negative feeling rolled up into one bag n the bag had finally burst...
n wad i m realli upset abt was the fact that u choose to run instead of facing the prob...
is running always the soln? i juz upset that u feel that it is better to juz walk away...
is our friendship so bad that u feel no pt in taking a few min to solve the prob?
i dunno? if that is the case, i dun tink anithg i say will improve the sitn....
in the 1st place i m upset bacause u use excuses again...
u re saying u re bad at speaking when i say i dun understand wad the prob is...
u tink even if u ask mi u won't get ani ans... am i such a bad friend that u dun want to ask mi a qns... or m i so stupid that u feel i won't get ur pt? u tink it is redunant to talk to mi...
i noe it might not be ur intentn to say... maybe i m misinterpret...
but i realli get those feelings n i noe u feel that the more u ask the more i will argue w u?
so u used ur excuse again... if u oni used it a few times... maybe i wont be angry... or most likely like b4 kept my unhappiness to myself instead of showing... but u used it too many times...
i noe u will ask wad is it i m upset abt?
i m upset because u feel that i have made u feel stupid? i have no intentns of that...
maybe we misinterpret again? but u used that too many times...
n instead of sth u feel inferior abt... it had become sth that showed a way to escape responsibilty... u re juz saying that to show that u re not to blamed for ur disabilty to say thgs... n i felt sth that said u re not to blame for unable to speak well n it's my fault at reminding u of that? i have tis feeling n it is not nice at all...
n it makes mi unhappy and frustrated... i hate to say tis but it had been gg on since in yj...
do u noe that i sometimes had to hide in the toilet... to hide away the tears of anger n frustratn over some words or thgs u do? it had been gg on since in yj during ccs... when i din say anithg... i noe u would not noe... mayb i shd juz said out n now it had exploded...
but i kept quiet because i dun want to weaken our friendship...
i realli treasure tis friendship... the zhui xing esp ours... cause how many friends can stay together n studied in uni 2gether? i realli appreciate having someone to share my probs... my stories w... realli... n i realli hope to have tis friendship stable n studied jap 2gether... u re why lessons re fun...
but then... i m realli upset that u feel that it is better to juz run away instead of staying n fighting for our friendship... running away shows how little u value our friendship to mi...
staying n trying to work thgs out... i will juz say wad i m upset abt...
maybe call mi petty... call mi too sensitive... but maybe then after that we will get back to where we have been....
i noe i m petty sometimes... i noe i m nagging sometimes... maybe sometimes i shd juz kept my mouth shut? i dunno... but realli... i hope u will either send mi an email or sms to reply...
i m not saying u re in the wrong or that i m totally wrong in tis matter...
i noe i have been petty... n arguments nid to happen if both parties did sth wrong...
u might not have thought it was wrong but to me, u have upset mi...
i realli dunno wad else to say... other than tis... i realli appreicate u being my friend....
n ps... my hp no $ :p so when i din reply it is not because i m angry w u...
n do u want to mit b4 sch on mon to talk? i dunno if either one of us can keep our cool? but at least we try? i dun want to end our friendship juz like that....
n most imptly, chinese new year is coming... can we juz forget everythg in e brand new year?
so pls reply... if u want to try nb work thgs out... maybe u sms mi the time n we have breakfast n talked abt thgs... maybe not have hot drinks... later we got angry n the drink is on ur or my head :p.....

Friday, February 09, 2007


云不明白她的问题, 认为她在问的都是一样的东西。。。
想帮她还被人嫌笨。 也对啦,笨蛋想帮人是自讨没趣!
运好想大声骂人, 但她选择沉默。。。
i went to causeway lib again... feeling angry n upset....
she can juz go off like that....
now then i realized how fragile the friendship we shared for the last 3 yrs is....
there were a lot of times i realli got angry w her....
but tis time... i dunno....
it's juz that.... i noe i m stupid....
mayb we are not suited to be friends....
i dunno... but i m veri tired....
sometimes i juz want to ignore everythg....
i realli dunno animore....
the bye bye might be the end of our friendship....
maybe i m not someone who is suited to have friends...
maybe i m someone that shd juz be alone....
i dunno.....

Thursday, February 08, 2007


i dunno why...
but sometimes i hate myself...
n sometimes... i can't help feeling that all i say are useless thgs....
redundant thgs... thgs that no one took interest in...
i tink i talk too much...
maybe i shd kept quiet...
talking seemed to strain my relatnships w others...
it's so hard sometimes...
n i tink i kept making ppl angry....
i tink i m not a good friend...
wad i said normally make ppl angry...
maybe i shd juz kept quiet...
i read sth b4 that says if u re gd friends...
u can keep silence but not feel uncomfortable abt it...
u can do ur own thgs wout ani of u mad...
u can talk w each other wout worrying abt the other getting angry....
maybe i m not a gd friend then...
i seem to ask questions n no one is listening to them....
i m making ppl angry...
i shd have just kept quiet...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

email crazy...

hey i dunno why but my email is CRAZY!!!
somehow... i m receiving weird emails....

the receiver's email IS NOT MINE!!!

die lah.... dunno wad's wrong w that email?
i have sent an email to hotmail...
hopefully they can help....
i am receiving things frm borrowing $... n the amt is in 6-7 digit number...
to i dun even noe wad the email is talking abt....

it is juz so frustrating!!!
n not to mention an invasion of other ppl's privacy...
sorrie to those who i have seen their emails...
i even realize it is not my mail till i read the reciver's email add...
i m hoping for it to be fixed asap!!!
i have enough of it....

mayb i should juz shut down tis email...
i have been using tis since sec1 or 2?
quite long ago...
i think mayb if not fixed ard tis few days i m changing....
so stupid!!!
on secong thoughts...
i tink i m changing them even if there are fixed....

i nid to give other ppl my email again....

Sunday, February 04, 2007

i finally can get in...

hey... i am very happy this weekend...
my grandfather's bdae... whole family go eat dinner at yishun...
actually was supposed to go escape w my cousins but had to reject... so sad...
i realized that they have discounts and free tickets...
but then i did have thgs i have to do...
i spent the whole morning typing the long overdue story... n i managed to post it tis morning...
now i juz check and i got 3 reviews! so happy!!!
aniway... it was fun at the dinner... realized my cousin's girlfriend was so much like him...
so outgoing! n i got a camera!!!
so now can take pics or videos and put it on blog? so happy!!!
aniway... i got to study.... haiz... so many thgs to do n tests to study...
so a veri short post....