Wednesday, January 31, 2007

cry... sad...

i have an argument w wenya tis morning...
first is the umbrella then the test then the toilet...
umm... i tink everi1 is lost... ?_?
ok... juz that wenya forgot abt the test n somehow conveyed the msg that i did not tell her n it's my fault to mi.... then we were rushing for lect n she sort of got angry w mi cause i kept hurrying her... well wadever... the thg is we decided to forget the whole thg....
i went to the lib juz now n sat therte reading b4 gg to the first floor n read while listening to music... guess i did that every time i m upset...
i tok abt a lot of things on my way home...
juz put a few thoughts here...

when do one cry?
i rmb when i m in pri sch i cried in sch and have a major breakdown when i was p4? i cant realli rmb... juz that some ppl were always saying veri hurting thgs n i broke down in the middle of a lesson... unable to take it animore...
it was then i promised myself... no more crying in class...
i will be strong and juz take everithg behind a mask... i refuse to let them see the tears...
it's funny in a sort of way now that i tink abt it... it even seem childish now.. but that was wad i realli tok at that time...
then i cried a few times in sec sch... but no one saw them...
actually i cried a lot secretly... juz that i cant realli take wad the rest of my "friends" were doing...
mayb that's why i lost contact w most of them... some even ignored mi...
and the most major time i rmb is when a teacher insulted and yelled at mi in front of everi1... though i tink most of the ppl dun like the teacher n comforted mi... other times i juz smiled and refused to let others see the tears...

maybe it's my personality or sth... i have veri few true friends....

then in jc... i also cried... n the most times i hid is the lib or the toilet besides the study area...
maybe it's my personality or sth... i cried mostly when i was angry...
it's juz that tears juz flowed... n the funniest thg is that i tried to hide tears a lot esp if i m crying due to saddness...
i rmb a big fight when i juz hid in the lib crying for an hr... also a time when i got really angry and frustrated over sth that tears juz flowed down in front of everione...
n mayb another time when i got realli upset n cried in the toilet...
no one actually realized i was crying...
mayb i m a crying person... i m also some1 who likes to bottle up thgs?

i dunno... juz that i was actually close to crying today on the bus but i tink that it is also mostly due to the fact that i felt like i m sick n my temp is rising...
i dunno why... i tink i nid to catch up on my sleep n...
is someone cursing mi? i m sneezing....

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


ok... since wenya like it so much....
i found some more photos...
taken long time ago for my sis to put on her blog but she din have the time to post...
n i still tink that shirt is not realli my style... mayb too formal...
then again if want to find a formal shirt... tis will be my choice... i love the ribbon! >_<

though i nid to retie it every hour... not my fault that it kept dropping...

Monday, January 29, 2007

so busy...

ok... umm... where to start..
life's so busy... hectic actually...

ok... first the perfume frm the last entry... the one in green...
is now non existent... my youngest sis broke it on sun...
haiz... the cleaning up is so... n the glass is shattered everiwhere...

aniway... first let's start frm sat?
sat is the tea ceremony...
so we all except my sis had to leave and take a taxi at 7am...
so early... i woke up at ard 5+am 4 wed n thur and 6+am on fri n on sat as well...
haiz... so tired.... n today (mon) i could barely open my eyes during lects... n today got 3 lects ....
aniway... the tea ceremony was funny and we played heart attack b4 i left to mit e zhui xings...

ok... then i want to complain!!!
wenya veri funny lor! tell mi... go to the vegetarian stall that i said veri nice the other time...
hello!!! how i know where that is!!! then she said... or go find wen hui at amk lib... india sectn...
so... of course i go lib....
then our superstar arrived.... so big shot lor...
all of us had to go to mac to find him... cause he din noe how to go to the lib....
aniway... we went to shop 4 clothes i nid to wear on sun... the nxt day... i noe... i veri last min...
n xianhao find his shoes.... aniway... xinying got stomachache so wenya accompanied her while the other 2 of us continued...umm... tink she on bad terms w the lunch she had earlier...
then we saw a pair of shoes... i tink is nice but when wenya n xinying came back... they tink that the shoes is childish... reason being that there is a pic by the side of the shoes...
ok... continue searching then we found a $15 dark blue jacket that everi1 decided is nice...
n then we went back to amk hub n xianhao bought his pair of shoes...
then we went to kfc to have dinner n study...
we went to shop ard for a while... poor wenya... got called little girl... cause she was playing w a brush that she shd not have.... i din hear anithg biut xinying n xianhao cant stop laughing...
a veri fun but tiring day... n nxt outing is on the 24 feb.... umm... i still nid to make sure i m free on that day... n no wenya... i dun feel like going to crowded areas....

ok... sun... morning wake up at abt 8+am... then mi n my sis went to sun plaza to buy shoes...
i brought a pair of$10 shoes... we walked everiwhere but still cant find ani pair for my sis... made her wear mine...

n then... i realized that the shirt i have does not match the jacket i bought!!!
so i kept changing but cant find ani...
it was than my mum wants mi to wear the shirt my aunt bought... juz now then i noe the shirt is so x... $39.90.... n i realized the brand is sense... i tink...
n the skirt is also my the other aunt's... so basically i din wear ani of the clothes i bought...
ok pics below... taken when we got back frm expo....

ok... i took 15 pics but oni 4 came out...
i wish i have a nicer camera...
aniway... i like dying when i took tis photos... haha! do i like scary? i tink i look veri werid... but since tis is my oni photo... no choice...
umm... mayb see if my cousins got nicer ones...
we took a lot there...
ok... at the time is ard 11+pm nearly 12...

aniway... we were there to usher ppl...
not that ani1 of us think that it is necessary... at least for ppl who will not obey instructns...
haiz... a few insisted on sitting at another table instaed the one they were assigned to...
i mean... pls lor... everi table is assigned then u came n disrupt the arrangement...
haiz... tiring but we had fun... realli n i hope to see the photos...
every1 look so pretty... mayb except mi... since i lazy to do my hair...
i juz tied as usual... n din use makeup....

well that's all... for my uncle's wedding... so tired...
my eyes could not stay open le... n tmr n wed got jap vocab test... die le lah! wish mi luck!

Thursday, January 25, 2007


i searched my cardboard and i realized tha i have these....
all christmas presents that i have gotten few years ago...
i think one of them is 3 or 4 yrs ago?
then the other is 2 yr ago n the perfume is last year christmas gift...
all frm the same person...
my cousin's family maid....
she gave all of us christmas presents even if we never even see her...
i tink i din even see he r once a year....
aniway... muz thank her....
so i juz took them out n take a pic....
all never even opened before....
or used b4....

Saturday, January 20, 2007

kbox trip.... tiring but fun...

hey... juz got back n shower....
since online so might as well type a blog...
relatives coming tmr... not sure can update or not....

10 conclusions again.... lazy to write down the whole thgs....
1. when singing.... don't look at wenya!!!
my journey was veri nice till i look at wenya n cant stop laughing....
2. whenever i sing... someone will go toilet or go take a call.... dun ask mi y.... mayb because i sing too bad le... 555~
3. i always din buy anithg i want....
for eg... clothes... or shoes... been shopping 4 a long time n cant decide...

4. dun ask wenya to help mi look for clothes... too scary... *shiver...*
5. i m a bad singer... i lose in all the competions... 555~
6. wenya gives too high marks for all of us...
7. xianhao gave all low marks!!! we giv him high marks lor!!!
8. wenya is too easily distracted....
9. xinying is always laughed non stop... i noe i always say smile always... but too much also....
10. dunno y but receive news that all 3 of them had stomachache... i m ok... except for headache n sore throat... dunno y...

ok... i nid to practise my hiragana n katakana le... ja! will update soon....
as it is nitex now... so oyasumi nasai....
nice day today... though i m last but it was fun!!! >_<

Thursday, January 18, 2007


and finally like that... my mum changed it for mi...

hey... i decided to use a history of my study table!!! ok i lame...
juz that within a mth my study table changed dramatically....

aniway.. juz a short history of my table... so it's still messy....
n i nid to go le... if not i will b late again...
then wenya had to wait for mi... AGAIN.....
haiz... so tired n still nid to figure out why someone gave mi 3 miz calls...
at 2hr interval... i din answer caused i din see till at nite...
ok... mayb i shd juz throw away my hp...
since i din realli use it except to send "i'm late again... so sorrie..."":p
i like sending that almost everyday....
n my hp almost no $ le....
so ppl sms ONI!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


i was surfing thru everi1's blog today....
and i realized how i have lost touch with so many ppl....
i noe it might be my fault most of the time....

it's juz sometimes i got realli busy n i juz 4got to keep in touch with so many ppl...
n most of the time... ppl i used to be veri close too... i also lose touch w them...
i can actually name quite a few actually...
i m realli sorrie... realli i m ... i hate to lose a friend....
it's just that once we were no longer in the same sch or class or a long time nvr talk to one another...
i dun dare to approach that person....
n soon we become strangers....
it's like our paths crossed for sometime then straightened out.... n we re strangers again...

i hate it!
but i dunno how to stop tis frm happeneing....
it's been like that thruout my entire life!!!
maybe it's because of my personality?
mayb it is a weakness i realli nid to overcome...

it made mi realli upset... i can name quite a few ppl who i had lost my friendship like that...
n sometimes i tink too many....
yet... sometimes it's juz so hard to keep in touch w everione...
i noe peikiat can do that... she was the one who always keep in touch w everione...
but it's juz so tiring sometimes... n i dunno why...

i have juz read eleanor's blog...
hey... so long since we talked n even longer since we met up...
but i want to tell u tis...

jia you ok... realli... it might be an overused phrase but it is meaningful...
no... the floor will not be too slippery...
just oiled enough for you to glide thru smoothly n not slipped...:p
ok... just there re times in life when thgs re nvr going the way u want... but then that's life....
so we have to accept it no matter wad...
who says fate is always kind?... not mi...
but then we have to make the best out of it....

n like i said it's been a long time since i went n look at other blogs...
quite busy... ok... i did look at zygote's blog... i like to look at ur photos... if they dun have mi inside.... n wenya's blog... n most imptly... the zhui xing blog....
that is to ensure that i din get wrong infor or not up to date infor...
n as a note... so sorry!!! gomen ne!!!
i havent even started on chap 5 of the pursuit of the star.... T_T
i noe i noe... muz start but veri busy... i alr says why at the previous post ok... last 2nd post.... too many thgs happening at the same time... weird year for mi...
n pls wait patiently? agrigato gozaimasu!umm... i wonder if i spell correctly....

aniway... i nid to go to practice my hiragana le....
i promise to try to keep in touch with every1 ok?...
umm... how to...? i dunno?
suggestns? glad to have them!!!
but not too weird ones hor!!!

n looking forward to jap lect tmr... though i tink nid to buy some sweets...
i scared fall asleep in lect....

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

wan yun ge...

recently, i read a veri VERI TOUCHING book...
挽云歌 by 楚晴...
人生的无奈, 兄弟的亲情,友情,爱情。。。
it is veri sad and touching....
made ppl cry.... i was so touched...
aniway a short i dunno wad i write after i read the book...
a short disclaimer...
i dun owe the characters... tis is juz a review i write after reading....

ok here it goes...










ok! done... i still type chinese characters too slow.... muz learn to type faster...
haiz.... ok... 20th jan coming!!!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

veri tiring wk....

hey... i noe it's been a long time since i updated....
i m sorrie but i had a realli tiring wk... too many thgs happened n i dun have the time to blog...

first of all... today's my mum's bday!!!
ok... i still havent got the present... hope i can find one later!!!!
happy bday, mum.... ok... i noe she won't read so....

aniway... sch started tis wk or last or wadever....
the lect are realli boring!!! i fell asleep in all even if they are supposed to be introuductory...
ok... maybe except for jap... but it is because it has break, i brought sweets to the class and the fact that i nid to stay awake since i dun understand most of the thgs taught... i tink most imptly... we re learning to write hiragana....

sth impt happened tis or last wk as well....
my great grandmother passed away on mon ...
due to sch n thgs... i oni went down on thur...
personally.. i dun like funerals...
they remind mi of sadness n thgs....
aniway... that's not sth i want to elaborate....

well... as for fri day n yesterday....
i wasn't feeling well...
haiz... cramps hurt a lot... so can't type....
so now then i blog....

so a quick update....
n xiujuan! i change ur link le....
n wenya.. xinying... n mayb xianhao... not sure u got come here or not...
but i havent started practising!!!! n pls try not to go too x for kbox...
cause i broke again.... ok? thanks a lot!!!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

happy birthday, ah mei!!! >_<

hey! i have a fun day today!!!

first of all... i want to wish my 2nd sis, ah mei...
a big big HAPPY BDAY!!!
a short song...

i wish u a happy birthday
we wish u a happy birthday
all wish u a happy birthday
happy all the way~!

hope u be happy n less stressful! happy birthday... hope u like pastamanic...

ok... short account on wad we did 2day...
after my sis came home frm exams....
we went to bugis... but first had to convince my youngest sis not to go...
so we brought her down to buy icecream... n then we went to bugis...
after i bought concession... we went to shop bugis junction first....
saw a lot of $39.90 clothes she likes but too x...
then we go bras brasah's popular... n then nlb...
but library too many ppl... cant find bks...
then we go shop bugis street.... then i receive a sms n met up at pastamania...
so we meet... n we ate n talk... though kinda of sorry to my sis...
the few of us kept talking abt kbox... hope she won't feel left out....
n it is her birthday.... so sorrie....
aniway... we talked n have quite a lot of fun...

n a conclusion...
i m bad at drawing lots...
y mi? y m i always the last?!!! -0-
i m so... haiz....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ah mei! n sch's starting....

Friday, January 05, 2007

finally finished bidding!!!

aniway... i spent the whole day at home...
reading detective conan's comics and listening to music on my laptop....
well... din do much... but sth happened...
actually juz a small thg....
my youngest sis went to sch to buy the rest of her sch stuff...
like files and foolscrap...
my mum counted exactly $10.10...
so she went n buy....
she threw the receipt away n din check anithg
stuff everythg in her bag then go to gate to find my mum...
n rush home cause she wanted to shower due to the hot weather...
then my mum check the thg she bought n realized she forgot the most impt thg...
a green file that her teacher wants them to hand in...
but the bkshop auntie still collected the same amt of $...
my mum scolded my sis 4 not checking b4 gg home...
n also the auntie din giv her a plastic bag...
she had to take everything in her hands b4 she could stuff it in her bag...
then they went back again... but the auntie insisted my sis lost it...
then she says my sis still got take a pen...
then my mum have to buy the green file again....
n my sis din take the pen cause we cant find it in her bag n aniwhere...
my sis says she rmb she din take ani green file or pen...
but the auntie says she did...
pls lor... so many ppl buys things....
as they were talking there were ppl quencing as well...
haiz... then the auntie kept saying that my sis lost the thgs...
n my mum says nxt time giv the students plastic bags if they buy too many things lah..
how to take so many thgs...
n then the auntie juz says... she din ask how i noe she nid a plastic bag...
haiz... i dunno lah... but i din tink i like the auntie's attitude lor....
i mean u scold the kids got use huh?
make them scare of u... got $ meh?... haiz...
ok... change of topic....
i got all my modules for tis semester!
1.SSA1201 Singapore Society
2.NM1101E New Media and Society
3.LAJ1201 Japanese 1
so that's all....

Thursday, January 04, 2007


well a few thgs...
first i lazy to rite wad i have be doing other than teaching my sis's friends...
i read bks n well the pic also show i m tidying my thgs...
look at the diff... i changed the shelves n thgs...

aniway yesterday went out w wenya n xinying...
we go junctn 8...
ok... i juz rite a few conclusions...
1. no nid to be early on even on time ehrn the 3 of us mit...
cause none of us is on time... esp our dear xinying...
2.dun let wenya touch ur hair.. she easily addicted...
i had to dodge her attacks... also xinying as well...
3. ok... it is tough to talk to wenya... she tink too far...
we re talking abt sun but she talking abt her bday... that is in aug...
4. ok... wenya is scared when mi n xinying saw clothes we like...
cause we kept talking abt it...
5. my taste in shoes is different frm wenya n xinying....
thay juz dun like wad i like...555~
6. dun let wenya touch soft toys... esp if they are $30+...
she cant stop torturing it even if it is so x!!!
7. dun let xinying go into giv a name... cause she keeps wanting to buy the mickey pens n notebks... n they re too x...
8. xinying is also slow sometimes...
a dolphin soft toy i saw at the entrance of comic connectn n i show them... wenya says it's cute! and then we come out then xinying suddenly says "hey! that dolphin is cute!"...
9.minitoons is out of bounds to wenya... too many soft toys wenya is a terror in there...
10. finally... it is not a gd thg to let mi stand somewhere waiting for somethg or some1...
as we re waiting for xinying to get her dinner at kfc... mi n wenya wait outside... i got tired n bored so i started to sing ah du's song w the lyrics i changed...
so these re my conclusions...

ok... i was teaching today... n the poor girl cried...
ok! i did not bully her... n she started crying as i was leaving so not my fault...
she got veri frustrated w maths probs... hey maths do make ppl cry ok?
she reminds mi when i was once in pri sch... no...
i din cry when i do maths... i tend to throw thgs :p
but both my sis can get upset n cry over a maths problems...
well... so i guess i draw the conclusion that maths tend to make ppl cry...

aniway that's all... i veri tired le...
still nid to type my fan fic.... n the pursuit of the star...
n i havent even listen to the duo min songs!!!
guess i m gg to lose again.... haiz...
like i got a chance to win in the 1st place..... 555~
mayb nxt time shd also have a com in sth i m gd at leh....